Chapter Seventeen

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Alright, but we have to let Chase know.

No! No wecan't! Adritrustmethat'snota good idea! Involuntarily, I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head against his chest. His heart was beating fast, just like mine.

Why? He asked as his own arms went around mine. I would be lying if I didn't say that it felt so warm, comforting and right. I wished we could stay like this forever. Why did this have to happen? Perhaps everything was a sick nightmare, meant to wake me up and remind me to be grateful for all that I already had.

Sadly, the reality was always cruel.

I hesitated, not sure whether to tell Adri about Chase and Darlene. It didn't feel right, it wasn't my place to tell him. But as Chase's best friend, I also knew that he had the right to know what happened to Dar. No matter how he might react to it.

Alright,let's tell him but he's definitely not going to like it. I agreed.

For now, let's go back to acting normally so that whoever the spy iswon'tbe suspicious. We can come up with a solution through our mind link.I'dtell Chase if you find it hard to. Adri said.

Nodding reluctantly, I released my arms around him. However, the thought that I might lose him forever tonight suddenly struck me. Tears welled up in my eyes for a millionth times and without knowing what I was doing, I kissed him.

He was surprised at first, but he immediately reacted. He let me take the lead, knowing how I was feeling. This was the Adrian I loved. Sensitive and caring.

The kiss was slow and passionate. I put all of my love for him at stake. I couldn't be without him, not after all that had happened. I was telling him through the kiss that no matter what happened tonight, he had to be okay.

I will be fine, I promise. You are the one I'm worried about. I know how you are, you'll do anything to keep the people around you safe. But you have to promise me that you'll keep yourself safe too. You're not just Belle anymore, you're my mate. If anything happened to you, think of what will happen to me. And I will keep myself safe for you. Once this is all over, I'll make it up to you for the rest of our lives, I promise. So please. Be. Safe. He was looking into my eyes with those dark hazel eyes of his, flickered with gold. He was controlling himself I could tell. He was doing the duty of an Alpha and a mate. Giving me one last peck, he left the kitchen.

He was right. I had to be strong and keep myself safe. It wasn't a matter of selflessness, it was a matter of preserving our lives. We were strong, our pack was well-trained. We would get through this, I know we would.

Adrian's POV

The whole fiasco happened way too fast. It was almost as if I would wake up any moment then. But I knew this wasn't a nightmare, this was happening, all because of that stupid bastard. If only we had found out earlier. There was no point thinking about that though, what was important that we fight back with all that we have because I have faith that our pack is capable enough.

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