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From far .... was getting mad from how hong was close to Yoon

He indeed have a crush on Yoon and that he'll never deny it and will do everything to have him

??: you'll see hong no on get close to my Yoon

He thought and left


Time skip
2 month

In those two month hong saw his life turning in a complete hell

Someone start spreading false rumors about him, start softly then going harshly say by day and it's never stopping

Whenever he's walking in the corridor or answering in class everyone look at him and start gossiping and laughing at him


Today wasn't an exception and two people were fixing him

One was mad at those people

And the other one happy to the core

??: how dare they do this, and whose behind that

??: poor hong hope your having fun, that's what you got for being this close to....
He said to himself


1 week later

It continue for another week and hong couldn't take it anymore, rumors after rumors, insult after insult, and more he was getting enough of it

And someone else too



Hong was eating alone, usually he would be with some friends and time to time make a eye contact with Yoon and looking coldly at each other, yk enemy thing

But today no one was eating with him, his friends left him and his enemy ? No where to be seen so far


S: hey there hong, so is it true that you have already f* one teacher ?
H: no
S: really ? Prove it
H: I swear I didn't
S2: is it true you love someone whose not your soulmate ?
S3: no he love just soulmate but he/she doesn't love him back
Hong start getting enough and stood up and yell

H: stop all of you, I never did or have nor those tumors are true none of them are true
S: then why ?
H: Idk idk okay ??!!!!!?
He said yelling and crying


Suddenly he got engulfed in a hug and was being rock back and forth and that someone that hug him caress his hair and it indeed calm hong down

??: shhh, calm down, don't mind their words even if it's hurt and frustrate you, they don't deserve your tears nor your sweet voice, even if your yelling, I believe you and you believe yourself that's all what matter, hmm?

Hong was silent and continue to cry, and when that person hug him he got startled and soon relax when he don't why even after recognizing the voice he calmed down and lean into the touch and calm down instantly

??: are you feeling better ?
Says the person pulling back

Hong nod and said


H: w why you helped me ?
??: because, your yes my enemy but also my love
H: h huh ?
Y: yea hong, I love you and want to be your boyfriend
H: b but
Y: I know I know but don't worry it doesn't mean your soulmate will never appear nor love you cause you've been in relationship before him/her

H: I i-
Y: do you think you can turn your hate for me into love ?
H: I i think I already love you

Y: I never thought it'll turn out that you'll love me
H: neither did i
Y: i love you hong
H: i i love you too Yoon
They said and kissed each other


M: the hell ???!! Hong !! Yoon is mine
Y: hum sorry but I'm no one's, I'm the owner of myself
M: so you don't love him !
Y: I never said that, just no one own me until I say so and if you ask maybe that cute and handsome gentle boy will own me
He said kissing hong's cheek who blush

M: but I love you ! More than him for sure and I didn't do all of this to fail
Y: what do you mean ?
Hong gasp and said

H: you're the one who did this to embarrass and make me the laughing stock ?!
M: indeed
H: why ?
M: cause I didn't accept and support the fact you were close to Yoon even tho you both were enemies

Y: but why like this ? You could have tell me ?
M: cause I hate hong, he's always attracting the other girls, always the top student, kind and me I'm nothing, and since we're little he's annoying me
H: and say that I loved you since middle school, I hate you, so much that I hoped to never have likes you nor meet you, you literally ruine my life
M: do you think I care ? You know who I'am ?
H: i know who you are, you are my enemy
M: your my enemy too don't doubt that


They said and suddenly the mark on hong disappeared and Yoon as well

Hong look at his wrist as he feels something off

He then gasp as he didn't see the names anymore

He then look at Yoon and he as well raise his head from looking at his wrist and both ask 


H&Y: what's your name ?
H&Y: you first
Y:go ahead
H: j Joshua
Yoon smiled and hug him
Y: jeonghan, nice to meet you finally my soulmate
Js: nice to meet you too, I love you so much
Jh: me too
They hug each other and then look at Min

Js: don't worry I'll not tell your name to anyone
M: you better stupid h*
Jh: mind your words before talking to my boyfriend
Joshua blush and hide his face in jeonghan neck

M: pff, hate you both idk how did I like you, jeonghan
He said and left

Js: why does the names on your wrist disappeared ?
Jh: I already found my enemy, only my soulmate was missing
Js: if you knew it then ??
Jh: I knew you weren't, but never I thought you'll be my soulmate
Js: is it bad ?
Jh: no, your the best
Js: I love you my soulmate
Jh: love you too my soulmate
They says and kiss each other

After that as for every people, everyone knew their names now and both soulmates are the happiest even after being "enemies" now they are being lovers who cannot live without each other


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅

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