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The second day of the photoshoot was hectic, and even though I had a lot going on in my head, I managed to focus on work and not give too much thought to anything or anyone else. I only needed to focus on myself and doing what I did best; modelling. That second day was a non-stop, twelve hour day which was absolutely exhausting, but the third was even crazier. Once again though, I focused on work and myself, and I blocked out everything else. 

I knew day three was going to be an even longer day so I fuelled up with a smoothie and oats, and I got in a quick 10 minutes of yoga to get myself mentally ready. I needed it after the day before! The entire crew were heading out to this little private island, a literal dot in the ocean with no reception for the entire day and we were doing sunset shots at like 7pm, so it was going to be very tiring. Part of me was glad though, I was happy to be unavailable and for nobody to be able to contact me after I'd seen Corey the night before.

At 7am, we all took a fast boat to the island, the brand had brought in catering and Lana and I sat under palm trees for hair and makeup while cameras and gazebos were set up along the sand. It was in moments like that where I truly appreciated my life and what I got to do for a living. I loved the skyscrapers and noise of New York and London, I loved the quiet and homely feel of Sheffield, but I loved these untouched places that only a lucky few would ever have the chance to experience too. Hair and makeup was usually down time, time where I could chat and just sit with my thoughts, but today we also had videographers doing a 'behind the scenes' thing, so there was none of that. We literally had to be 'on' from the second we set foot on the boat and I was exhausted after not having a whole lot of sleep... I was tired before the actual shoot even started and sick of being in front of a camera by 9am, not that I showed it, of course. I wasn't getting paid to have a lack of energy.

My day of work was busy, well, if you consider frolicking in crystal-clear water and running on pure white sand work at all. Even I would question it if it weren't for how ready to collapse I was by 2pm. We took a break for lunch but there wasn't really any chill time, just enough to grab something to stop myself from passing out and shove it down my throat. Apparently we only had the island for the day, so we had to get everything done and there was a lot. Many outfit changes behind towels held up by staff, make-up touch-ups, interviews for the behind the scenes thing and quick breaks to hydrate ourselves, speaking of breaks, I barely even felt like I had time to pee the couple of times I needed to, so I actually just went in the ocean at one point. Probably an overshare, but... I had to go and the photographer was "in the zone" so I didn't want to stop him. I don't know if photoshoots had always been so full on or if it was just because I'd been away from work for 3 months, but fuck. By time we wrapped up at 8pm, I was beyond exhausted; practically a zombie.

Everyone's phones started going off as our boat approached the main island and reception again, but I was half asleep and I couldn't have cared less about anyone so I just ignored mine. Nothing and nobody was too important that it couldn't wait another ten minutes. We said goodbye to everyone once we reached the resort and I had honestly never been more glad to see the backs of people, especially the video guy! 

I got back to my room at 9pm and I jumped straight in the shower to get all of the sand, salt and shimmery body oil off of me, then I fell face-first onto my bed in my towel. I was so fucking exhausted, but I finally looked at my phone, only to find 100 messages, about a million fucking notifications and 40 missed calls. What the actual hell? I was planning on getting into my pyjamas and going straight to bed since I felt so unhuman, but the universe clearly had other ideas for me. Ugh! When I got into it, I realised that half of the missed calls on my phone were from Matt and my stomach instantly dropped. He wasn't usually one to blow up my phone unless it was absolutely necessary, so of course I was already thinking the worst. I called him immediately, suddenly feeling very, very awake.

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