Face Your Fears

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I had gone to my door expecting a delivery man, I had opened it expecting my dad to be surprising me, but here was Oli, standing at my fucking door in New York with my favourite flowers. I was just standing there; shocked, frozen, confused... what the hell was going on? I just stared at him with my mouth open, feeling like I must have fallen asleep on the couch and I was just dreaming this entire situation. I can't lie. I was happy to see him, but I blinked a few times to convince myself he was real. "I uh, I just..." he muttered, trying to answer my question about what he was doing there. "Oh my God!" I squealed as I regained control of my body and I threw my arms around him without thinking. He just kind of laughed as he tried to save the flowers from being squashed.

"What are you... Come in!" I said with surprised confusion as I let him go and moved out of the way so he would get out of the hallway and inside my apartment. I shut the door then just looked at him as he just stood awkwardly in my foyer, still completely bamboozled as to what he was doing there. I would be lying if I said I was calm and un-phased by his presence though because I wasn't. My heart was racing, I felt numb and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I still couldn't believe he was actually in front of me, though I was still wondering why the hell he was!
"What are you doing here?!" I asked again, now fully realising that he was actually there, standing in my apartment in New York.
"I uh, I guess I missed you." he replied.
"Aww." I cooed with a chuckle. He just kind of looked at me and I laughed. He was being so weird and awkward. "Why are you still just standing there? Go and sit." I laughed as I motioned toward my lounge. He handed me the bouquet of ~somewhat squashed~ daisies then proceeded to go and sit on my couch as I followed him. I asked him if he wanted a drink, but he said no so I went and sat beside him and he just looked at me. It was clear he had something to say... and I guess maybe I already had some ideas about what it was. My stomach was already tightening.
"Sorry for just turning up unannounced, I just... I hoped we could talk?" he asked, looking more nervous than I had ever seen him. I think even before he said he wanted to talk, I subconsciously knew why he was there. I knew what was coming and while I was nervous to hear it, I wasn't afraid. I wasn't eyeing my door, already planning an escape. I wasn't preparing myself to run away, hail a taxi and never look back. I guess the Bahamas had softened me a bit and I guess if I'm being honest, we probably needed to have a very honest conversation.
"OK, let's talk." I replied.

Oli drew in the longest breath ever and he honestly looked so stressed. "Hey, relax." I said reassuringly but with an eye roll, sensing how tense he was. He smiled at me with a frown like he didn't like me noticing. "By the way, Thank you for winning that auction. You're out of your mind for bidding so much money, but I really appreciate you doing that for me." I said with a smile to try and lighten the mood a little.
"You're welcome." he said, before pausing. The silence suddenly felt a little awkward, a little too long but I wanted to let him speak since he'd come to me. He drew another really long breath and my stomach knotted itself because I knew what was about to happen. I knew what was going to come out of his mouth and even though I wasn't going to run, I still wasn't prepared for it. I felt sick.
"Mel... I know whatever we were doing in Sheffield was just sex, friends with benefits, whatever... but..." he said before stopping to take a deep breath. I knew he was going to drop a bombshell on me and my hands were clammy.
"It changed for me. I caught feelings and I should have said something before you left." he said. My heart was racing as I tried to take in what he was saying. I felt the hugest lump in my throat.

"So that's why I'm really here; to tell you how I feel... because I can't ignore it anymore. I don't even know if you feel the same, or if you have any feelings for me at all but... I'd regret it my entire life if I didn't tell you." he said, looking at me desperately for an answer yet clearly struggling to maintain eye contact with me. I just looked at him for a moment and I felt kind of bad. Here he was; this strong, tattooed, beautiful man who looked completely terrified. Terrified of me. Terrified that I'd be a bitch like usual or sweep his feelings under the rug and make a joke about the whole thing like I always did. I hadn't done that in the past because I didn't like him though, I'd always liked him, I guess in some ways I knew what we were doing was always more than what we acknowledged... neither of us were fucking other people, hell, I was a jealous bitch the one time he did sleep with someone else and he was jealous when I so much as joked about it. I don't think either of us were even truly looking at anyone else when we were hooking up. I mean, I turned down Harry Styles! Now here he was, in my apartment in New York, forcing me to face my feelings. I definitely don't think I had the same feelings he did, but I think that if I opened up, maybe I could. So, did I feel the same? 

"I do..." I replied with a tiny smile.
"I understand." he said sadly, before suddenly changing his entire demeanour. "Wait, what? You do? You... feel the same?" he asked. It was like he'd pre-programmed himself for rejection then got the shock of his life when I did the opposite.
"Look... I think maybe your feelings are a bit further along than mine, but..." I explained.
"But you, feel something?" he asked. God, he looked so fucking eager for me to say yes.
"Yeah, you big idiot." I smiled, playfully calling him an idiot to make the moment feel less intense. The biggest smile spread across his face and without hesitating, I leaned in to kiss him. It felt the same as always, though somehow better, though I think he was a little shocked at first because he didn't even kiss me back, lol.
"Mel, I'm... I'm fucking crazy about you." he said with a stutter when I let him free. He really was  laying his heart on the line and I could appreciate how hard it must have been for him to come all the way to New York without knowing if I would reject him or not. 
"Aww cute." I said with a chuckle. 
"I mean it, Mel. I really hope you can give me a chance. I don't care how, I don't care where, I don't even care how often I'd get to see you, I just want to see if this is something more." he said honestly. More. He was talking about a relationship and honestly, it still scared me.

A relationship was a gigantic, fucking move for me and I'd literally, only in the past few hours, decided to not be with anyone - to try and sort out my own feelings and decide what I wanted, but... I don't know. I wouldn't be open to it with anyone else, but Oli really had been so fucking good to me and the fact that he'd got on a plane and flown to New York... I mean, you're not doing that for someone you don't have serious fucking feelings for. He had already built a level of trust with me and he had never asked me for anything or given me a reason to doubt him, maybe the least I could give him was a chance? I was acutely aware of all of the obstacles in our way though, most glaringly, the fact that he said he hates attention and fame, and that he doesn't know how I can deal with paparazzi. I wasn't sure he was ready for that.
"Are you really sure you want this though? I know you hate fame and attention... and I come with a lot of baggage." I asked as I looked at him seriously.
"Positive." he replied happily.
"The paparazzi would be all over you... your life will never be private again." I warned.
"I don't care." he replied, still happy. I guess he really did like me. Maybe I was being reckless, or maybe for once I was just not over-thinking everything, but he looked so happy and hopeful. I'd treated him like shit and used him so many times, maybe it was time for me to do the opposite and actually make an attempt at giving him what he deserved.
"I'm not going to lie to you, I'm scared... but, let's see what happens." I said. I felt like I'd just jumped off a cliff and I had no idea if someone would catch me or if I'd hit the ground and die, but I smiled at him and he looked like he'd just won the lottery - like all of his dreams had just come true. A part of me hated how happy he was because I knew there was a good chance that I would disappoint him or hurt him, or not live up to his expectations. I didn't know if I could be the romantic, loving and caring person that he was. I could try though. I leaned in to kiss him again, this time pushing him back onto the couch ready for what naturally happened between us every single time we were alone. He chuckled as I pulled my top off and threw it behind me. "You know, this isn't what I came here for." he chuckled.
"Oh? Do you want me to stop?" I questioned.
"No." he laughed.

I leaned down to kiss him and he wrapped his arms around me so tightly. "I fucking missed you." he said as he looked up at me. I had missed him too, in more ways than I would have anyone believe. We had sex right there on the couch in the middle of my living room and it was so incredibly passionate. I was scared of what I'd committed to, but it was so good to be with him again. It wasn't just the sex though, it was his touch, his kisses, the way his skin made me feel so warm and his presence made me feel so comfortable... the way when we were finished he held me in his arms like he didn't want to ever let me go. I wasn't ready to jump straight in the deep end and declare love or be super lovey-dovey or anything like that, but I was willing to let my walls down and see what could happen. I wanted to give him the chance he asked for. 

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