A Month of Deceit

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"MATT..." Oli was saying over and over as he chased my brother down the stairs. I hurried after them and arrived just after Oli had caught up with Matt in the lounge. "It's not what it looks like." Oli stated. Really? That was the best he could do? God he was an idiot. For someone who usually had such a way with words, in this moment he was absolutely fucking pitiful.
"What? So it's NOT you fucking my sister?!!?!?!??!?!" Matt questioned with so much anger I thought he might explode.
"Matt..." I said to try and calm him. "Matt, it's not his fault." I added.
"NO? WHAT THEN? DID HE FUCKING TRIP AND END UP INSIDE YOU?!?!!?!?!" he said sarcastically. In any other moment, that comment would have made me laugh, but this was NOT the time. "IT'S COMPLETELY HIS FUCKING FAULT!" Matt suddenly screamed loudly. I saw my brother ball his fists in anger while Oli was just standing there helplessly. I really thought Matt was going to punch him, so I quickly put myself between them, faced Matt and grabbed his arms, willing him not to lose control. I knew he would never hit me so getting in the way and in front of Oli seemed like a good place to be. "Please don't be mad." I said, just trying to soothe my brother and stop him from completely losing his shit and punching either Oli or the wall.
"How long has this been going on for?" Matt asked angrily. I didn't know whether I should lie and say it had only happened a couple of times or not, but I knew in the long run it would just upset him more if I lied to him about something else. I think at this point, the truth was safer.
"About a month..." I replied sheepishly.
"A MONTH!?" he screamed, directing his rage at Oli. "YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING MY LITTLE SISTER FOR A  MONTH!?" he quipped. I just rolled my eyes at the way he called me his 'little sister'. I mean, I was a fucking adult, not a twelve year old. I hated that he always acted like I was a child. Nothing ever seemed to change.
"Matt, I'm not a little girl anymore! I have sex..." I groaned.
"Yeah, but with Oli??! My fucking best friend?!!!" he questioned in the most high-pitched tone. It actually sounded like he was in pain. "You've been doing this behind my back for a whole fucking month, under my roof that you're both guests in?! I can't believe this..." he said, now sounding genuinely disappointed. I felt really bad all of a sudden. He made it sound bad when he put it like that, but it's not like we'd murdered someone... it was just sex. He stood there shaking his head, breathing heavily and loudly. I tried to think of something to say, but I knew he needed time to calm down and I didn't think anything I said would be helpful. I still had hold of his arms and they were so tense.
"IS SHE GEORGIE?!" Matt suddenly exclaimed, looking at Oli with a death glare. Oli and I just looked at each other. I didn't even know the answer to that, but I had a feeling I was...
"Dude, I... I'm sorry." Oli said like he couldn't think of anything else.
"Oh my fucking God. I can't believe this!!" he said as he leant against the wall and slid down it in defeat. I looked at Oli and kind of motioned for him to leave; to give us a minute. I needed to talk to my brother alone. 

I sat down on the floor, against the wall next to him and held his hand in mind. "Matt, I know you're shocked and angry at me right now, but can we talk about this?" I questioned.
"I'm not mad at you Mel, I'm mad at HIM for taking advantage of you!" he stated. Was he joking? I wanted to laugh. If anything, it was completely the other way around. "He didn't take advantage of me, Matt..." I replied, unable to not chuckle a little.
"Yes he did! You came here broken-hearted and he swooped in knowing you were vulnerable." he stated. My God, he really had it all backwards.
"Matt. It really is not like that at all. I wanted this, not him. He turned me down at first, he resisted my advances for weeks but I kept pushing the limits and I seduced him when he was drinking and his inhibitions were down. I did it at fashion week." I said. Matt looked so unimpressed. "I have always had a crush on Oli, Matt. You must have known... I was always too young for him to notice me, but now that we're both adults, well, things changed. It honestly made me happy that he finally fucking noticed me!" I explained. Matt didn't seem any happier about any of it, but at least his rage seemed to have subsided.
"Mel, I adore Oli, I do. He's my best friend, but you don't know what he's like. He's emotionally unavailable. He's not into serious or long-term relationships and I don't want you to get hurt." he said. I wondered if Matt knew Oli at all... from what I had felt from him, that was exactly what he was into... I was the one who wasn't. If anything, I would more likely be the one hurting him than the other way around.
"And who said I want that?" I questioned. 
"What, so you're literally just – God I can't even say it... fucking him?" he asked.
"Yes. We're just having fun with zero strings attached, you know? And wouldn't you rather I be doing that with him than with some random guy you don't even know? Who could be using me for money or fame, or be secretly married or a murderer?!?!" I replied. He let out the heaviest breath.
"I guess..." he replied. I felt like maybe I was starting to get through to him.
"I know you're going to be mad about this for a long time, and I feel really bad that we have been sneaking around, but Oli has really helped me get over Corey... so just don't hate him, OK?" I asked. I knew he was going to be angrier at Oli than me no matter what I said... I always knew if Matt found out about Oli and I that he would take the blame. Matt always saw me as some innocent little child that could do no wrong.
"I can't promise that, Mel, but I'll try. For your sake." he replied. I rested my head on his shoulder and just sat there... no underwear under my dress, my body still wet yet no longer wanting what I was doing just a few minutes earlier... God. This was so awkward. I never wanted Matt to find out like this...
"You guys lied about being drunk in Leeds so you could spend the night together, didn't you? And when you had a headache at the movies..." he questioned. I felt really bad.
"I'm really sorry." I replied. He exhaled so hard.
"I always thought the movie thing was weird. I can't believe I didn't put two and two together." he said like he was angry at himself. I tried to hug him, but he kind of pushed me away. "I'm sorry Mel, I just... I can't, not yet. I need to be alone for a bit." he stated. I nodded silently, stood up and went back up to my room. God what a mess, and all because Oli didn't fucking lock my bedroom door. I told him every fucking time to do it 'just in case' and he mocked me for it, but now look. He wasn't entirely to blame though... how the fuck did I completely overlook the fact that Matt was home? Probably not even asleep yet. I'd pretty much told Oli to fuck me, with my brother just two doors away without thinking about how dangerous it was! I think I was so caught up in anger and everything that was going on with Oli that I wasn't even thinking straight. Ugh. Well... there was nothing I could do about it now. I had made my bed, and I was going to have to lie in it. I knew Matt wouldn't hate me forever, Oli on the other hand... well, I really didn't know what was going to happen. 

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'What a fucking nightmare' I thought to myself as I went up to my room and shut myself in there. First I upset Mel, then I upset Matt, though upset isn't exactly the word I would use. He's livid. He wants to fucking kill me, and honestly, I don't really blame him. I promised him I wouldn't sleep with Mel and not only did he find out that I was, he fucking saw me doing it. I can only imagine how seeing me between her legs must have scarred him. The image of us fucking will probably be burnt into his memory for eternity. 

Ugghhh... how the fuck did this happen?! How the hell did I forget to lock the fucking door? Just because I was so desperate to talk to her, to apologise... and then somehow we both completely fucking forgot that Matt was in the house?!?! What the actual FUCK?! I cannot believe how many stupid decisions I have made lately. Jesus Christ.

I heard Mel's door close, so I knew she was alone but I didn't dare go to her. I really fucking wanted to go and check that she was alright, but I couldn't. If Matt so much as even saw me near her he'd probably skin me alive. 

I needed to talk to him, I needed to somehow try and explain myself to him, but how? What could I say that would make this situation any better? I couldn't think of anything, but I needed to try. I didn't want to lose my friendship with him. I couldn't. That would honestly be the death of me, the death of the band, the death of my entire life.

I opened my door and listened to figure out where he was and I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. It probably wasn't a good idea to approach him when he was in the vicinity of knives, but I had to try and salvage our friendship. I owed him effort if nothing else.

"Matt..." I said as I cautiously walked toward the kitchen.
"Don't, Oli." Matt snapped without looking at me. He was clearly still really fucking angry.
"Matt, I just want to explain..." I said, before he cut me off.
"You need to fuck off." he said viciously, like it was almost a threat.
"I just want to..." I said, trying to speak again.
"No." Matt snapped, cutting me off once again before walking away. He wasn't going to let me talk.
"Matt, wait." I said as I followed him toward the front door. I know he was mad, but he was being so god-damn stubborn. I guess it ran in the family...

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