[ Chapter 39 ]

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I took the sizzling pancake and neatly arranged it on the plate . Later covering it with honey and settling a piece of butter on top of it . This time I again wobbled as I try to place the plate on the table . I let go of the utensils in my hand and gather up my hair to make a small pony tail on top . Once it's done , I squeeze my thigs to reduce the pain .

"That damn asshole went hard" I try to ignore it , but my legs wouldn't let me . I went back to bake another pancake . I spread the mixture over the pan and waited for it to bake . As flipped the cake , my waist got encircled into the most familiar arms I know . "Good morning babe" he doesn't allow me to respond but take my nape between his lips . He sucked on the area he wildly marked last night . I couldn't even hide them properly with makeup . His hands stroke my thigs as stick my butt onto his abdomen because of the pleasure . His hands travel my inner thigh through my shorts , and brushed on my inner cloth .

"Jeez , there are people in this house" I grabbed his hands to not let him go any further . He chuckled before taking my lips within his . He licked on my lower lip and grasped them within his and entered my mouth without any warning . His tongue glided over mine as he made the kiss more hot . He picked me up and settled me on the wooden isle , he slide his hands from my thigs to my waist and squeezed it . I twitched and chuckled in the kisses .

"Damn you guys made my morning worse" Jaehyuk scrunched his nose and settled on the kitchen cabinet . Yoshi didn't mind putting his hands away from me . He looked at the sleepy boy as he got up again to take a glass of water . Yoshi gave me one passionate kiss before letting go of me and I jumped on the floor and got back to my baking process . "oh , shit" I turned off the stove once realising the pancake burning .

"That's what happens when you get distracted" Jaehyuk painted a smug on his pretty morning face . "The pan is still hot to burn" I spit venomously and passed him a glare . He turned away hiding his chuckles . Yoshi too chuckled with his face away from my sight . I sighed and blushed continuing my cooking . I took the ruined cake and dumped it in the bin , while preparing another one . Yoshi joined Jaehyuk on the other seat and started a conversation .

While talking their path took a U turn from talking about guns and missions to their sleep last night . "You know I couldn't sleep at all" Jaehyuk massaged his nape from what I could imagine since I had my back on them . "How about you" .

"I couldn't sleep either,  I had some unfinished business" he answered and I accidentally touched the hot pan causing me to jump and squeak . The guys stared at me in bafflement , I put the burned part inside my mouth to ease the hotness .

"How about you y/n , Did you sleep well too ?" Jaehyuk comes to me , and I don't face them due to embarrassment. 

"I-i did , I had a very good sleep too" I lie to their faces and feel my body heat rising . "How could you , when I saw Yoshi dragging yo-"..." The breakfast is ready !" I don't let Haruto finish,  where did he even appear out of . I place the plate on the table and Haruto joined the others while I served Yoshi and Haruto . Jihoon and Asahi came next followed by Jeongwoo .

"Damn , last night was so noisy . Haruto where you again up last night watching porn ?" Jihoon freely spoke , Haruto shook his head furiously . "I didn't even change my clothes after we returned" Haruto isn't helping . "I guess the neighbours were too noisy" Jaehyuk smirked at me as I served everyone their breakfast .

When everyone was served , I took my breakfast and didn't catch any seat empty so I decided to eat while standing , so I too my plate to ths kitchen isle and stood before the boys who comfortably sat and ate their pancakes , not that I am upset nobody offered me a seat , I am glad that we are finally having a cheerful breakfast together . Like a family . I took a bite in my mouth . I tasted my cake , "too much sugar" I noted to myself to not make the same mistake again . Not that I am even going to remember . "y/n come here" Yoshi Motioned me and I left my food and went around the table to listen to him .

He pulled me in his lap and settled me on one of his thigh and pulled my plate and replaced it with his empty plate . He took a piece of cake enough to fit my mouth and bought them to my lips . I hesitated but open mouth and allow him to put it in , while I chew on my dish . "Babies" Jihoon pouted and smiled fondly . Yoshi caressed my bare legs , and like a baby he fed me the whole pancake . I am not negotiating,  he really is a safe place .

Once my breakfast is done , I was preparing to get up from his lap , until he pressed his lips below my neck intensely . "Thank you for the breakfast" he handsomely smirked and I was smiling like an idiot on the inside . "Thank you" I got with red cheeks . I grabbed Yoshi's plate but he held my hand , "don't , I will pick all the plates" he offers but my home-chore-habit takes the upper hand . "no , problem I can do that" I don't accept his offer but move to the other boys to take their plates . While I was about to take their plates , they took it away from me . I smile at their maturity , "fine , but wash them properly" I leve them and washed mine alone .

"Y/n will make a good house wife" Asahi commented . They all giggled like idiotic monkeys . "No dinner for You today" I warn him . "Little girl's getting angry don't tease her" Jaehyuk humorously speak to others and they all nodded . "No dinner for any of you today" I get bashful and receive their puppy stares and beaming pouts .

"Damn , i you kiddos" I roll my eyes and leave the kitchen and settled on the couch like a grumpy kid . "who's up for netflix" Yoshi jumped from behind and put an arm around my shoulder . The whole group of boys swarmed over me , "in the morning ?" The exact question I was about to ask . "Netflix sees no time" Yoshi makes his statement statement . "Who cares I am sleepy" Jihoon dumped himself beside Yoshi and layed his head on his shoulder .

The other crew members joined us and we all spent this day watching netflix and just chilling . It feels like home and it is a home . I love this feeling I have with them . Warmth . Affection . Care . And ....

. Love .

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