[ Chapter 6 ]

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2 weeks later...

i stepped out of my apartment and went straight infront of the other apartment waiting for kwan to show up . i didn't have to wait long when i hear the staircase loudly echoing the haste footsteps that she made while running . she came to me running and panted as if running a marathon .

she is getting late than usual that also everyday .

"you didn't show up yesterday" i interrogated as we started walking . "i went to the school library" she answered as we fasten our pace. "why ? , did you get a homework ?" . she nodded . "how about you , how did you go alone ?" she turned to me . "their was a new admission , i was suppose to help him with studies so we went to our place" i replied doing my best to not show even a sigh of pink flush .

"did you say 'he'?" she grinned . i knew i should have kept my mouth shut about this . "what else did you hear" i looked away not much attentive in maintaining an eye contact . "tell me , what else did you two do ?" she gave that cat stare as if she found a prey . "studies" , great now she won't stop bleating about it . "i am sure , that you didn't come alone either" atleast i know her this much .

"yes" she said and i looked at her , who had dreamy looks in her eyes .Afcourse she didn't accept the date from the boy but she did came with him as her companion . "he accompanied you didn't he and also in the library you were with him , right ?" these are just the assumptions i can make . "yes , i know you said not to get along with strangers but i knew i was gonna be late so i let you go ahead and when i was to go back , he offered me to accompany home and i trusted him with that since he was my class mate and went with him . sorry"

she avoided my gaze . "no , no i didn't mean like that . if he is your class mate and offered to accompany you then i am glad that you got home safely and if you trust him with this then i guess i can reassure you to befriend him but please don't let your emotions take over you" i caressed her back .

"whatever let's run if we don't want to run late again . you are so emotional "she ran clutching our hands tightly . my heart fluttered , i am happy she didn't take my talk to heart . and i am even happy that she is the one who can not let the negative emotions hurt her .

min later...

"bye" ."see ya" . we went our separate ways . the hall was crowded as always . students bumping into each other a natural act that always happens . Not to my surprise my slate grey hair standing out as always . nothing new .

"good morning" a pair of those familiar blue orbs stood in front of me , it feels like i waited to meet those eyes again . "good morning , Yoshi " i replied smiling and satisfied . we continued walking to our class while i looked around to see the crowd parting making a way for us to keep walking . i saw those girl stares which were on him , just a minute ago they were on me . it's better that i don't get attention atleast without attention you can live peacefully .

i remember the day i got late which was just a day ago , he was standing in front of the class , that day i did made a bad impression of mine on him . i really wish my class had a back door that also the one which doesn't make noise , cause the front door and it's rattling sounds disturbs my ear drums

"you look down" he said poking his head near my ear sending shivers all over making me gasp . nope , i am not okay . not when i gave my stupid advice to her who just wanted to tell me about someone not take stupid advice . "uh...no-nope , it's nothing" i replied not looking into his eyes . he didn't reply but kept walking , my chest grew more pain inside . i am sure he felt disappointed that i didn't give the reply he wanted .

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