Chapter 1 - The Call

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It was Chima's final hour and Eris knew they would fail.

But she didn't stop.

She knew the moment she plunged towards the Heart of Cavora.

But she didn't stop.

She knew they would all die. Maybe on impact.

But she didn't stop.

She knew that just like the Illumination that had trapped the hunters in ice, this one would fail as well.

She kept going.

She knew for Chima's sake, she had to keep going. For them to win the war they had to lose this battle. The final vision, before her own dreamless sleep would steal her away, told her so.

But the Skyborn knew she would wake up. They would ALL wake up. Maybe not the same as before, but ready nonetheless to finish what they started.

So with a heavy heart of acceptance, and a smile on her face, she cried out with the rest of her friends the battle cry of their homeland.


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