Sins of the Snake

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(Abandon lab Shinjuku City: Elizabetha 2nd ' s point of view 3rd person)

I wake up from being knocked out and noticed I was at strapped to a lab bed that's when I noticed someone coming it was a half snake half man probably a demon it came down and noticed I was awake and it said. " Well look you desssided to wake up ". You let me go you demon ". I said not liking the position I was in right now so then he said. " No can do young lasss for you see your going to become my bride but I need to turn you into a demonic snake man like me first ". You'll never get away with it ". I said getting pissed off just then he turned his attention to out the window and said. " I'll be right back my bride I have a rat outside my den". He then slithers away.

(Dracula's POV Third Person)

I found the lair of the snake devil so I listen in for a couple of minutes but I accidently kick a can which the Snake devil hears it so I jump onto the roof the Snake devil comes out begins searching for me so I sneak into the lab Elizabetha sees me and says. " Dracula how did you -. "Hush I'm trying to free you so try not to speak ". But it was too late as the devil snake entered the room and shouted. " get away from my bride vampire ". " bring it devil " i said as we clashed i slashed him with my nails which did a great deal of damage to him and gave him an uppercut to the face and once he was down i grabbed him round house kicked him to the building outside then i went to Elizabetha and freed her i then called the police and said. " Hello commissioner yeah the culprit has been dealt with location the old abandoned laboratory in shinjuku city thank you ". I hung up and faced Elizabetha and said. " you ready to go home ". She nodded and i beckoned her to get on my back she did so and i jumped from roof to roof to west shinjuku once we got to her house her parents thanked me for my hard work they offered me tea but i said I'd think about it and headed back to my place.

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