Shikamaru age 5

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"Yeah, this clearing is in the center of some of the tallest trees in the Nara Forest. Not a lot of people venture this deep so it's not well known."

"Nara Forest?"

" the forest on my family's land. How do you get here anyways?"

" I ran."

" Troublesome. Can I take you to my mom? She can check you out and heal you and stuff." All I received was a nod.

I stood up and offered her my hand. She was shocked, but took it and let me pull it up anyways. I felt bad when she went, but she didn't say anything and stood by my side waiting for me to lead the way.

"Let me know if you need a break or if it starts to hurt." Another nod.

The walk back to my house took twice as long and it was dark. By the time we got to my door mom's gonna nag, while we moved at a slow pace she never complained or stopped. If not for the winces occasional hiss I wouldn't have even known she was in pain. So troublesome.

"You're late! I said home by dinner! It's dark! I know you're smart, but you are five! You don't stay out until dark by yourself!" We weren't even in the door yet and mom was already yelling. She's scaring Sakura. What a drag.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't mean to miss dinner, but I didn't want to leave Sakura alone." Who happens to be hiding behind me shaking.

"That's no excuse! Even if you make a new friend, you still have to be home by dinner! Come in here and help me with dishes!" How am I supposed to move when Sakura has a death grip on my shirt?

"Actually mom, could you come here for a second? It's really important." That bang didn't sound good.

"What on earth is so important you couldn't walk 5 feet into the kitchen?" I moved just enough for mom to catch a glimpse of Sakura.

"Why didn't you tell me you put someone home with you?"

"You didn't really give me the chance and you're yelling scared her so much she wouldn't move."

"Shikamaru, you shouldn't talk to your mother like that, it'll make her more mad and she'll start yelling again." Sakura's whispers tickled my ear. I failed to hold in my laughter.

"What's so funny?" Oh mom, if only you knew.

"Nothing mom. Don't you wanna know why I brought Sakura here?" Mom can't do anything if Sakura won't move, how troublesome.

"Yes, yes. It's dark out. Why did you bring Sakura here instead of making sure she got home? I'm sure her parents are worried sick!" I didn't even think about her parents, she never said anything.

"I got hurt and Shika-Shikamaru s-said he co-could see if you c-can help m-me feel be-better." I was kind of shocked. I never expected Sakura to say anything, at least not mom.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner? Shikamaru, that should've been the first thing you said when you walked in the door." What a drag. "Come here, Sakura, let me look at you." I guided Sakura to the spot mom was motioning towards and helped her sit on the couch.

Sakura sat stiffly and let Mom look at all her cuts and bruises. She relaxed as mom bandaged and cleaned all the wounds. Man, I need a nap. I stood to go to my room and Sakura reached out and grabbed my sleeve. She had a scared pleading look in her eye, and I found myself sitting back down.

"Sakura, will you tell me what happened?" She shook her head. No the same response. She gave me mom sighed. "Where are your parents? Do they know where you are? They must be worried sick." Another shake no. Mom frowned. "What do you mean? No, they do this. An aggressive shake. Mom side again we're getting nowhere and I want to sleep.

"Sakura." She turned her head to me. I hope this works. " Do you want to be friends?" She wore a shocked look as she gave a shy nod. "Do you know what it means to be friends?" A shake. " so she doesn't have friends. "Well, friends protect and help each other. I can't do that if I don't know what's going on. Do you know what else friends do?" A slower shake. "They tell each other the truth and trust each other. I trust you, do you trust me?" OK so maybe I didn't really trust her,but she didn't need to know that. A slow nod. "Then could you please tell me what happened?"

"Mother and father are almost always out of the village for work I get to go to the Academy as a birthday gift and I was overwhelmed and alone at the entrance ceremony, and then I accidentally bumped into this scary looking man and then I ran to the park and some girls followed me and threw rocks and sticks at me and then I ran again, and I was so scared and my body hurt and I ran until I felt safe and then I was with Shikamaru-kun and he brought me here and the yelling scared me but Shikamaru-kun made me feel safe like in the clearing and then Shikamru-kun said we could be friends and that made me so happy, but I'm scared that he'll be like Genma-san and avoid me too and I'm so sorry but I don't know how to act in this kind of situation."Wow, I don't think she took a single breath.

"Your parents are gone, who stays with you?" Is she all alone?

"My neighbor checks on me when she brings me food. Other than that, I take care of myself."

"How old are you?" I couldn't help myself. She can't be older than me; she's so small.

"I turned five on March 28th." So she's a few months older than me.

"You're five and your parents leave you alone?" A simple nod. "You seem intelligent for a five-year-old." Wrong move mom.

"Shikamaru isn't much older than me and he is smart."

"I'm younger than you by about six months."

"Yes but Shikamaru is a Nara and we are known for having a high IQ."

"I don't have to be a Nara to have a high IQ. Father requires I have one and be the smartest amongst all my peers as per his plans. I might not be a Nara, but I am far smarter than the kids my age, and very self reliant." Yep she's going to be my best friend. She's not afraid to put mom in her place, okay maybe she is but she still did it, and she's able to hold an actual conversation. I wonder if she likes cloud watching and if she'd be interested in learning Shogi with me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply you can't be smart because you're not a Nara. Come eat some dinner and I'll get you a guest room ready. It's late." 

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