Genma age 22

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With the Hokage's orders not to speak with Sakura I did the next best thing. Whenever I was in the village and had free time I found her to make sure she was doing alright. I never bothered to mask my chakra, she's five. There was very little chance she'd be able to sense let alone identify a person's chakra.

I was in a tree next to the old factory I first met the kid in front of, watching as Sakura sat and waited. I prayed to whatever God was out there that she wasn't waiting for me, yet deep down I knew she was. I don't think I've ever struggled with an order more than I did at that moment. She was so obviously sad and lonely.

I didn't get a break from missions often/ and the whole Kagay seemed keen on send me out of the village. When I got the chance to stay in Kohona and take a break I always found myself doing the same thing. Hayate caught on first.

"You haven't been to the bar much." Technically, that was incorrect. I went every night after watching the kid. It just wasn't as often or in the same manner as it used to be.

"I've been a little preoccupied." What have I become?

"With what?" Following some pink-haired little girl?" When he said it like that it sounded pretty bad.

"Yes. Her name is Haruno Sakura and I just wanna make sure she's doing okay."

"Why not just go talk to her? If anyone sees you, they'll think you're stalking the little girl."

"Hokage ordered me not to."


"Hell if I know. None of it really makes any sense."

"That's why you're following her. To figure it out."

"For the most part. She waits in the spot we met every day, that's the most common place. I find her if she's not home or at the library."


Just like that Hayate joined me in watching the kid. I don't know what prompted him to stay. He knew basically nothing about her. They showed up every time and waited quietly with me.

Kakashi and Guy found us next. We were crouched outside the library, watching the kid through the window as she browsed books about the Academy.

"I think she's a little young for you, Genma."

"Why'd you guys assume that I'm the one who started this and not that Hayate conned me into helping him."

"This just screams you." Thanks Kakashi.

"Hayate, it is very youthful of you to help Genma with his lady problems!" Why is Guy always so loud?

" I never pegged you two as ones to stalk children."

"Shut up Kakahi."

"Yeah, Genma's the one who's met the kid. I'm just here to keep him out of trouble." I'm going to kill Hayate.

"She's five. And honestly I was watching the kid because I want to make sure she's okay. She has no friends and her parents are never in the village. I'd talk to her but the Hokage ordered me not to. He seems to want to keep Sakura close to the village for some unknown reason. I don't know why Hayate is here watching her. As he said, he's never even met her." Karma's a bitch.

"I find the mystery around this girl. Interesting. I mean it caught Gemma's attention."

"YOSH! How youthful! I shall run 500 laps around the village for all of this youthfulness!" Man, Guy going really tires me out. At least he's decided to run those laps and I'll be gone for a while. He was drawing some much unneeded attention.

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