Chapter 9

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You brought me sunshine when i only saw rain,
you brought me laughter when i only felt pain
- Donna Donathan

Authors note:
(Warning most of this chapter is intense smut!)

Authors note:(Warning most of this chapter is intense smut!)

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It's been two weeks since Baby has been living with me. I've become very attached to her, and whenever she isn't around, I find myself thinking about her. Molly and Viola gave Baby a hair cut, and they did an amazing job. Before, Baby's hair was long and unruly; now it's shorter and more tamed.

I've been trying to keep my distance from Baby since that kiss we shared. I don't want to take advantage of her since I don't think she is ready for the things I want to do to her. She only knows the fucked-up ways her 'Master' told her.

It feels like a tight string is pulling me to her, and whenever I try to distance myself, it tightens even more, pulling me closer to her. She is always doing the most unintentional sexy things, such as sitting on my lap, bending over in front of me, and biting her lip when she gets nervous or excited.

I've also noticed that she enjoys watching romance movies; they are her favorites. She even likes the sex scenes and gets angry with me when I try to skip them. I've asked her recently if she knows what they are doing behind the scenes, and she reassured me that she does. When asked how she knows what the sex scenes mean, she told me that Master told her all about sex and that she understands it.

I'm constantly fighting erections when she is around, and I have to take cold showers. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to notice when I have an erection or why I'm constantly running off to the shower. I've taken more cold showers in these past two weeks than I have in my entire 29 years of living. The boys are constantly on my back, teasing me when we hang out at the clubhouse, as they can see the effect she has on me, even if she is oblivious to it.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear Baby yelling my name in a panicked voice. I set my beer down and get up from the couch (where I was working on some papers for the bar we own) and go jogging to her room, where her voice is coming from. I walked in to find her tearing her room apart. I watch in shock as she takes clothes out of her dresser, throwing them on the floor.

"Baby," I call as I walk over to her quickly to stop her, grabbing her as she goes to throw more clothing on the floor. "What are you doing?" I ask, and her eyes frantically glance around the room, looking for something. "I can't find Millie," she says on the verge of tears, breathing in pants. She has become less attached to her doll since staying here, and it mostly stays in her room, but I know she still loves it a lot.

"Hey, look at me," I say, grabbing her chin and gently directing her head to face me. She looks me in the eyes. "You had her in the living room last night. Let's check there," I tell her, and she nods, ripping herself from my grip and running out the door to look in the living room.

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