"Surprise Adoption" (Dare #7)

61 3 13

AN: I ran out of ideas for the pic for this one, sry- XD



Silver(Me): *Looks at phone* MMMMMM, yes, the drama here smells like dRAMA-

~~~~~About an Hour Later at Mario's House~~~~~

*Doorbell rings*

Mario: *Walks to the door and opens it* Er, hello..?

*Blumiere, Timpani, Nastasia, Mimi, & Dimentio are all at the door*

Timpani: Hi, Mario!!! ^w^

Blumiere: I apologize for any intrusion. -u-"

Mario: Erm, it's alright, I wasn't up to anything... What are you all doing here? O-O"

Nastasia: Yeah, something about a dare, from what I've been told. -_-"

Mario: Oh. -_-"

Mimi: Can we please come in? It's chilly out here. *Shivering* ._."

Mario: *Quickly nods* O-of course! Come in! *Steps aside*

~~~~~5 Minutes Later in Mario's House~~~~~

Mario: So... where is that Toadstool, then? She usually gives us these questions and dares. Ō-Ō"

Timpani: I don't know, she didn't follow us or anything. ...I think. O-O"

Dimentio: *Holds up an envelope* She threw this at me earlier. -_-"

Blumiere: I'm not very surprised at this point. -u-"

Mimi: Open it! Open it! Open ittttt! :0

Dimentio: Okay, fine, calm down! *Rips the envelope open* *Slips the letter out* *Clears throat* A dare from BugyStoleACrown... "I dare Mario and co. to kidnap ze green bean and then Dimentio HAS TO APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING MAD AT LUIGI WHEN HE WASN'T EVEN TALKING TO HIM. Also to Luigi and Mr. L: I apologize for your suffering.
I am but a lowly Wattpad commenter".

Everyone: ...

Timpani: That was a long one. 0-0"

Mario: *At Dimentio* You actually SAW AND SPOKE TO my brother and didn't say anything!?

Dimentio: Why in the WORLDS would I tell you anything?? *Glare*

Mario: I don't know, it's not like I've been looking for my brother!!! ÒmÓ *Gestures to stacks of Missing Person posters on desk*

Blumiere: Uhhhhh... I-is there anything else in the letter? 0-0"

Dimentio: ... ō-ō *Looks back at the letter* Decide amongst yourselves who will be able to do this dare, however, you all must participate in one way or another!

Mario: Kidnapping anyone, related to me or not, is ILLEGAL!!! >:C

Nastasia: Yeah, that's a no from him, I guess.

Mimi: I got a key to Dr.Luigi's place if he's still hiding out there. ^u^

Mario: Breaking and entering is ALSO ILLEGAL!!! >:C

Timpani: I'll come! ^w^

Blumiere: Timpani!!! ÓmÒ"

Nastasia: 'K, I count about four people. -_-

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