Rabbit & Lithia: Shift

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It was bound to happen. It was doomed from the start. Rabbit should have known that this "relationship" wouldn't work out the way she had hoped. No matter how much she loved, no matter what alternatives she tried, no matter what she learned, no matter what was promised, Rabbit just couldn't stop her purging.

Of course, Lithia would be furious with her.

Of course, the oracle would have enough.

Of course, Rabbit would be on her own again only this time there were no victories.

No world domination.

No slaves to grovel at her feet.

No chaos or fear to instill.

She was hurt, she was angry, and, for the first time in all her many lives, she was lost. What was she supposed to do now? She had given up trying to take over this realm just to be by Lithia, to understand these newfound feelings she had never had the chance to feel. These cursed unknown emotions had begun aching and writhing in agony as if something had ripped pieces out of her insides.

This only made Rabbit furious! She should show the little creature exactly how dangerous she can truly be! Why Rabbit is a being of power and a monster to be feared. How she would make anyone who dared to cross her beg for mercy, tears streaming down their faces with promises of loyalty and riches they could offer only to be torn apart slowly. Rabbit should torture Lithia after everything they had been through together! How was it so easy for Lithia to end their bond so abruptly?


Rabbit should make Lithia pay!


Yet, Rabbit found that she couldn't find the strength to do so. She couldn't think ill about her former lover no matter how hard she tried. Lithia was everything the eldritch was not; kind, nurturing, and alive! Sure Rabbit herself was quite smart but even she didn't know half of what Lithia knew when it came to magic, wildlife, and philosophy. Her voice carried such childlike wonder and excitement when she learned something new. The way she danced ever so gracefully, never missing a step to the rhythm of whatever she had heard. Her head was always held high yet remained humble to anyone she met. Even to the poachers that had tried many times to kill her. Despite looking like a walking ice sculpture that would melt in direct sunlight, the oracle was truly a beauty in Rabbit's eyes never fading into tomorrow. None could compare to the glowing radiance that emanated from her former love. The gorgeous smile, the infectious laugh, the way she spoke calmly and patiently when teaching something new.

Lithia was pure perfection!

And Rabbit finally lost her. She lost the only living being to win her attention, her affection, and her heart. What could she do? Why couldn't they just be happy together again? Who could she blame for their separation?


She could only hate herself for their failed relationship. Hate that should have been directed towards Lithia but Rabbit couldn't. She couldn't hate anyone more than herself. A creature of power, solitude, destruction, and evil should never feel this way! It was unheard of! Impossible! Never before had her kind endured this kind of pain! Not once did it ever happen! Her kind loved themselves too much to ever think about what other things they could feel let alone share with another. Self-hatred never had the chance to creep up into their egos to make them vulnerable.

Unfortunately, she felt every single emotion she originally never felt before. Her body, her mind, and her so-called soul felt every single hurtful word Lithia had said. It only increased the agony and hate. Hating herself didn't stop her though. Unable to cope, Rabbit, out of that anger, hurt and self-loathing, pushed the pain she felt toward the only thing she was familiar with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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