Baseball Catch Up!

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How you Met:
It was the first episode of II 2 you were another competitor and the older sibling of Box. You were there to take care of them during the game but that episode you couldn't because Lightbulb already pushed them into the water. So you decided to go around and meet some objects. The first people you went to were Baseball and Nickel since they were the closest to you.

"Hey what's up I'm O/n." You walked up to them.

"Tch well they have arms and we could need some in future challenges... So your in" Nickel grins.

"Welcome to the Alliance O/n!" Baseball smiles.

'Uh okay then'

When He Starts to Fall in Love:
He was talking to Nickel and Suitcase about the next challenge since you were sick. Then the topic about you popped up and they were trying to figure out how you could help.

"Look they got arms they can just pick us up if we fall down or something." Baseball looked at Nickel "Ofc they always helped us no matter what! They are amazing." Suitcase and Nickel looked at Baseball who was blushing slightly.

"Uh Baseball what else makes O/n so amazing" Nickel looked at him with a suspicious smile. "Well they're kind, smart oh don't get me started on how much they make sure we are okay" Suitcase giggles "sounds like you got a crush Baseball!~"

"H-huh!? No I don't!"

"Sureeee" Nickel grinned rolling his eyes. "Just don't lose the challenge for us with your crush.".

"I won't!"

After you were done with the meeting of your alliance you went to the meadow and sat down making yourself a flower crown (if you don't know how to make one Lightbulb taught you). You heard the soft sounds of someone walking to you then heard them sat down next to you. You looked over seeing it was Baseball.

"Hey Baseball. Want a flower crown? I can even teach you how to make one if you want to."

"But I have no hands.."

"Aw come on I bet you would be good at it!" He sighed nodding his head "okay fine I'll learn" you smiled and y'all spent your time together teaching Baseball how to make flower crowns.

"Hey o/n?"


"I've been meaning to tell you that.. I like you and uh would you like to go out sometime?"

"Yeah I would like that.."

He Get's Jealous:
You were good friends with Balloon. So you, Suitcase and him usually hang out a lot chilling on the cliff making flower crowns. Well he was okay with you hanging out with Suitcase but Balloon not so much. He thought Balloon was going to take you away from him because of what Nickel told him what Balloon can or could do. You knew he was jealous so you confronted him about it and he spilled.

"Well I never really had a partner before and I just feel like I'm so boring that no one usually wants to be my partner so when you did I was shocked. But I still can't help that I don't deserve you.."

"Baseball you are the best object ever of course I want to be your partner. Also for someone who never dated you are really good at this."


"Really." He smiles and you hug him.

You flirt with him:
You were bored and just wanted to flirt with him to see his reaction.

"Hey Baseball!"


"When I look at you I feel like I hit a home run!" He looks at you blushing.

"O/n! Stop it I'm not even that good looking!-"

"Oh Hush. Of course you are"

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