Chapter 98

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The next day, Neymar and I went shopping to get some gifts for Davi and family and friends, since he would fly out to Brazil next week. He had about three weeks of training and then the team was off to Russia for the World Cup. I would also be flying back home to spend two weeks with my family and Peter would be flying with me to go back home too. Michael had already flown back last week.

Then, Peter and I would return to Paris to start working on NOL and the expansion of 3P before flying to Russia for the World Cup. And in August I had my own call up to the US women's national team, for the Tournament of Nations which would be taking place in the US.

"You're back." Neymar's dad said as soon as we came inside. "That's a lot of stuff." He commented as Neymar and I put down the many giftbags we had in our hands. Maybe we had both gone a little overboard with the number of gifts we got and I was now worried they wouldn't fit in my luggage. "Can you come to the dining room?"

I looked at Neymar before we followed his dad inside. I saw the dining table was full of documents and his computer was open.

"What's going on?" Neymar asked him.

"I'm afraid we can't put off this discussion any longer." Neymar Sr. told us as we sat across from him. "We have to talk about your future."

He was right. The transfer window was now open, and he had already alluded to there being offers on the table that we needed to consider. I knew already that PSG was willing to let me go, given the events that had happened. But I didn't believe they'd be willing to let Neymar go.

"First of all, let's settle one matter. I think I know, but just to confirm, you two are a package deal in negotiations, correct? Where one goes, the other goes too?"

I looked at Neymar, who smiled at me. "Exactly." He said.

His dad nodded. "That simplifies but also complicates things." He said and when he saw my confused expression he elaborated: "It simplifies them because I can tell interested clubs that they will need to sign you both, otherwise you aren't interested. And it complicates them because it's difficult to find a club that is right for both of you."

What he said made sense. And it sounded like a difficult task for him, although I could see he enjoyed the challenge. "Can I ask a question? What is Neymar's release clause from PSG?"

"There is no release clause exactly." His father replied. "The new club and PSG would need to agree at a number that seems suitable to both sides."

"Can you ballpark it?"

"Maybe around 200 million? Maybe not. PSG has no shortage of money. If they don't want to sell, they can ask for a fee that simply no other team in the world can afford to pay."

"And do you think they will?" Neymar asked him.

"I think it's possible. Maybe on a human level, they will understand why Liv wants to go and why you want to go with her. Especially if we tell them you are engaged. But let's just say that if they don't want to see you leave, they absolutely have the power to prevent you from doing so." Neymar Sr. said.

"And say they do let us leave. And the fee isn't that unreasonable. Where would we go?" I asked.

"There is always Barcelona." Neymar said. "Their women's team is one of the best in Europe. And they are interested, aren't they?" He asked his dad who nodded. "And they want me too. Messi and Suarez and many of my former teammates have told me so."

"You want to return to Barcelona?" I asked him.

"If you also want to." Neymar told me.

I looked at him, contemplating all the new information. Yes, a return to Barcelona didn't sound bad. But there were so many things to consider. "Ney, if I wasn't a factor in your decision, where would you want to play?" I asked him.

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