Chapter 12

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"This just sucks." I declared, finally admitting the futility of looking at the calendar. Neymar, on the other end of the facetime call sighed. We had been trying to figure out a way to maximize the time we'd get to spend together over Christmas break, but it seemed so difficult.

My parents had put their foot down, they had not seen me since May last year, with my internship to Brazil, going to Spain with Neymar and then going straight to university. So, I had to go home for at least the week from Christmas Eve to January 1st. It's not like I didn't want to, I had missed them very much but we spoke almost daily. And when I left Spain in September, Neymar and I thought we'd have about a full month together.

Our calculations had been wrong though, because his winter break would be only two weeks. He too had to spend the week between Christmas and New Year's in Brazil with Davi and his family, leaving only three days before and three days after free for us to meet. Which, accounting for flights and time differences meant one day.

One freaking day!

I felt a headache start to forming in my temple and spread in my head. "We have to look at the bright side." I told him. "I'll be definitely be able to come for spring break."

"Spring break is in spring Liv." Neymar said dryly. "It's 3-4 months from now."

"I know baby." I told him. "But it's better than nothing. Besides, look at how well everything else is going. You're having an amazing season so far with Barca, I'm doing pretty good with school. Once the semester finishes I'll have a little bit more free time."

He nodded. "Tell me how did that football club meeting go?" He asked me, changing the subject.

"It went surprisingly well." I told him. John, the guy Marina and I met at the party had told me more about it when I went to return his shirt the next day. He invited me to their next get-together and I went with Peter since Marina, rather dramatically, declared she's done with football. "The club is mixed but they have a men's team that competes in a local league. I met some of the players too. Apparently, they aren't doing that well, so much so that John told us we could both try out for the team."

"The fact that they have to be crap already to allow you to try out pisses me off. They'd be lucky to have you." Neymar told me. I smiled at him. He believed in me more than I believed in myself. "Will you do it?" He asked me.

"Honestly? I'm dying to." I confessed to him. "I've been thinking about it ever since he told me. I've never had the opportunity to play for a team, the closest I ever got was with you in Brazil. I kind of feel like a fool I didn't go after it more, all these years. But with James..."

"You protected yourself. You did the best you could." Neymar cut me. "And it's never too late to do what you love Livvie. The things that are meant for you, they find you when you least expect them. Exactly how you found me." He told me, his eyes full of love and affection. I wished I could crawl through the screen and wrap my arms around him.

"Eu te amo" I told him instead.

He smiled. "Eu também te amo. Muito."


A few days later, the tryouts took place. Both me and Peter were accepted in the team, him as a fullback and me as a winger. The guys in the team had been impressed, especially when I used all the skills Neymar had taught me. I even managed a nutmeg when one of the larger defenders cockily tried to block my way.

"I'm in love with you, marry me." One guy named Martin said when we finished the tryout and were walking back to the bench.

I laughed. "I don't think my boyfriend would like that." I told him.

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