Warnings and TWs

41 1 27

Do not skip this!
It's very important you know what you're getting into so you don't get caught off guard!!

So, with that said first of all:

The characters won't act and make the best moves or decisions.
That means, that you should not take them as a good example for wise decisions!!

This story will or has a chance of involving:

Graphic descriptions
Major Character death
Minor character death
Self harm
possible Suicide attempts (minor and major characters)
Suicidal thoughts

This page might get updated, so please go through everything if you get a notice.

(Take the warnings seriously. I won't say it again and this book is not here to make you justify anything. See this as entertainment and if you need help, talk with someone about it. Be it your therapist, family or by calling the international helpline for such issues.)

Warning: I won't make anymore TWs at the beginning of my chapters.
So please take into account what you're getting into!!


The characters Reak and Sky base off of real life people. Though, do take in mind, that information about:
Real life Location/Home
Real life names
Will be changed because of plot convenience and safety measures.
Do not hate any irl people part of this collab. (Though, hating fictional characters is fine in my opinion. Though, that is strict to my book(s). I won't speak for others.)

This collab goes under "UnderTale Awakening".
You can find more stories of this timeline and event under #undertaleawakening on Wattpad.
The leader of the collab is Originalsparkstar.

The other stories will have their own POV, TWs and storyline.
I assure you, that there are some, that aren't too triggering or triggering at all.
Firehedgehog has a story that is very comedic in my opinion. Perfect to just laugh a little at their situation (no offense mate! I love ur book!!♥♥♥)
PinkieKidoCup's story isn't triggering, in my opinion. It's a nice story involving conflicts, action and super duper cool art! :D
PastaGod_Italy's book starts off as them knowing of what could happen to them. What a fun way to start your day, don't you think?
NeutralClover's story is in the works and editing. You'll get there eventually mate!

And there are many other stories of this collab (which you can find on my profile in the UnderTale Awakening Playlist), so you will probably find your fit if you're interested.
(There is someone pretty much destroying earth, if that's what you're looking for, haha)

Now, with that done (* ^ ω ^)

If you've decided to read this story, then I wish you lots of fun and enjoyment doing so. (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Enjoy! o(≧▽≦)o

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