Despite being quite afraid, she walked slowly towards the forest edge. A flame came to life in her palm, enabling her to see her way through the forest during that dark night. The sound of the howling boys grew louder, creating a path that she was able to follow. A large, shimmering flame is viewed ahead, and she stopped behind a large bush. She moved her head to the side, watching the boys dance.

She frowned, having no idea what they were dancing too, unable to hear the music, however, she could see a boy covered by a hood blowing into a pipe. She furrowed her eyebrows; knowing this had to be some sort of sorcery. That's when she saw William, walking towards a green ball of light, something she had only read about in her storybooks. A portal. She immediately distinguished her flame, stepping into view, and running towards him.

"William!" she cried.

He stopped walking, turning to her, however a strange look was still in his eyes.

"Where are you going?" Camilla questioned breathlessly.

He stepped closer to her, smiling at her with his hands held firmly around hers.


"Oh, will you ever come back?" she asked desperately.

"I don't know," William replied, now frowning.

"What will I do without you?"

"Come with me," he suddenly suggested.

"You can't."

They both turn to face the man that had spoken. He was gorgeous, yet the stern expression he wore frightened her. His skin was pale, his eyes a bright green, illuminating with the reflection of the fire.

"No girls are allowed in Neverland, especially girlfriends," he hissed.

"Then I'm not going," William decided, the trance like look in his eyes instantly disappearing.

"You're making a mistake, William, she's going to ruin your life," he growled darkly.

"I will not," Camilla defended, stepping closer to the man, as though unafraid.

"Oh, but you will. You are going to marry, have a couple of kids, then you're going to have to support them, work. You'll never be able to play or have fun," he spat.

A surge of anger ran through her, Camilla screamed, the fire began to ripple at a fast pace, the portal flickering for a moment. The boys around them snap out of their trance, the music having stopped, the scream waking them up. They quickly ran, heading towards their homes desperately, leaving them alone.

"Look what you've done!" Pan yelled. "I'm going to get you back for this, just you wait!"

"And how are you going to do that, Peter Pan?" Camilla hissed in return, her hand holding onto William's.

"Your first daughter, I'm going to take her from you, make you seem like the monsters," he spat.

"She'll never fall for that!" Camilla growled.

"Oh, but she will, because you're going to be terrible parents."

Peter then disappears into the green orb, leaving them alone, and they ran back towards their home in fear. Fear of that boy, and in fear of themselves.

But obviously Tahlia's parents didn't tell her the full story, they only told her what they thought was best for her to know. They'd never tell her that she's only a part of his plan to get back at them. But little did they know, he had already succeeded his previous plan, this new plan is an entirely new one.

TAKE ME OVER | HENRY MILLS [1]Where stories live. Discover now