The Date! <3

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Today is Saturday. The Date is today at 6:30. Its already 6. And I was worrying alot. I tried not to bubble tho because I didnt want to ruin the suit. Im so glad that I have Mugsy to calm me down. 

" Must you bend your straw?!" Mugman asked me.

" Yes. I must!" I say back.

" Its 6:20, " Mugman says checking his pocket watch. 

" 6:20?!?! I gotta go!" I say as I start running out the door. 

I can hear Mugman yelling good luck to me from the doorway. I wish Elder Kettle could give me some support but hes getting so old he cant get outta bed. I try to run slow-ish so I didnt ruin my suit. Once I got to the resturaunt It was 6:26. I didnt see Ms. Chalice so I waited outside on a bench infront of the building. I reached into my pocket a grabbed out a box. Inside was a pearl necklace I was gonna give to Chalice. I hope that she likes it. I shove the box back into my pocket. I looked ahead to see Ms. Chalice in a beautiful light blue dress. She had a lemon slice on her head too ( Like lemon water ). I could feel my face become red as Ms. Chalice walked towards me. 

" Hi Cuphead~" Ms. Chalice said. I love her voice. Its so sweet.

" H-Hi..." I say back. I couldnt help but stutter. 

She giggled at my red face. I stood up and we started to walk in. The waiter sat us at a table. He lit the candle and handed us menus. He then left. I got some Coke and Chalice got water. Yea sorry no wine we are under aged for that. 

" Your really, REALLY pretty," I say breaking the silence. 

" Awwwwwwww, Thank you," She says back, " Your not to bad yourself," She says with a wink after which made me blush a little. 

We talked for a while till we got our food. We both got spahgetti. I put my hand in my pocket to grab the box. 

" Uhm, Ms. Chalice...." I say looking up from the box that was now in my lap.

" Yes Cuphead?" She asks wiping her face with a napkin.

" I want to give you somthing," I give her the box. 

" Whats this? " She says as she starts to open the box. Her eyes widen at the sight of the necklace. She then put it on.

" Thank you so much Cuphead," She says.

" You look great in," I say. She really did. She looked astounding. 

I pay for dinner and we walk out of the building. We then went on a night walk to the park. We find a bench and sit down and watch the moon shine. We sit there in silence.... holding hands. I try not to blush to much.

" Thank you," Ms. Chalice says looking over at me.

" For what? " I reply looking back at her.

" For dinner," She says back.

" Of course, " I say back smiling. She smiles back.

We sit there in silence looking at each other. I then say somthing without think at all. Not one bit.

" Can I kiss you?" 

Cuplice ( Cuphead x Ms. Chalice )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora