Mug's Date!

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I slipped on my dress and put some makeup on. I was scared Bowlboy might think Im weird cause I showed up in a dress not a suit. But, if he was then it just wasnt meant to be, because this is me! 

" You look great, Mugs!" Cup said when I walked out of our room. 

" Thanks Cuppy, I cant wait!" 

" Well get going! I dont want ya to be late!" Cuphead said.

" Ok, Ok, Im going, Bye Cup!!"

" Bye!! Good lucks Mugs!" He shouted back.

I then headed off the the diner.


Where is he..... I dont see him.... Maybe I just got here early. Ill just sit on this bench infront of the place. 


" Mugman!" A voice yelled. It was Bowlboy!

" Oh wow.... you look, amazing..." I say when I see him. 

" Thanks but, you look....." I got scared. Was he gonna judge me? " Stunning! I mean, really, really stunning. Like beautiful, Mugman," He says smiling. 

" Thank you! " I say back. He didnt! Maybe we were meant to be!

" Ladies first, " He said. Bowlboy was the only one who knew that I go by she/her and he/him.  So I didnt mind when he called me a lady at all.

" Oh, what a gentlemen," I say jokingly. I walk into the building and it was beautiful. 

" Bowlboy.... This place is beautiful... I cant believe you took me out here," 

" Only the finnest place for the finnest person," He said giving me a wink. I started blushing alot. 

" You got a reservation?" The person in the front asked

" Yup! For Bowlboy," 

" Ok, right this way sir," The person led us to our table and gave us menus. I wanted to get wine but I knew I was under-aged. Buuuuuut, I was gonna turn 22 soon, soooo, Its not too bad. Right?

" Is it ok to get wine?" I asked.

" But you arent 22 yet, " He answered.

" Well Im about to be," 

" No, Mugs. Im sorry but ya cant," 

" You're right. Thanks for knockin some sense in to me Bowlboy," 

" Mhm. Also you can just call me BB if ya want," 

" oh, ok!"

We both got spaghetti and some soda.

" Wow this is delicious," I say.

" What can I say? Wasnt gonna take ya to a dump," BB replies.

Once we finish we get the bill.

" Ill pay-" I started saying but got cut off.

" No Ill get it,"

" Are you sure?"

" Absolutley, "

Bowlboy hands the person the money and then we leave. 

" Tonight was great Bowlboy! Thank you!" I say.

" Your welcome, dear-" Bowlboy started blushing, " S-sorry.... somtimes I call people dear.."

" No its ok! I actually kinda liked it...." I reply blushing, " Its getting late, I should prob go home,"

" I can walk you home.... If you want," He says.

" I would love that," I say smiling. 

We walked to the cottage holding hands and talking the whole way. 

" Well.... this is the place," I say looking at Bowlboy. 

" Alright, well... See you tmorrow?" He says looking at me.

" See you then," I say a then kiss Bowlboy on the cheek. I start blushing alot.

" Im so sorry! I didnt even ask or anything-"

" Hey, its ok, Mugs. I dont mind. At all," He says blushing too. We stand there for a little looking at each other.  

" Its kinda cold, you should get inside, " Bowlboy says.

" Oh yea, heh....  Well, bye Bowlboy! " I say as I open the door.

" Bye Mugs!" He says as he walks away. 

Cuplice ( Cuphead x Ms. Chalice )Where stories live. Discover now