5th Dec : Elizabeth Olsen

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Christmas Party

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Christmas Party

Y/N pov

Today was the day of Robert's annual christmas party. I was quite nervous because I have had a crush on Lizzie since Scarlett introduced the two of us.

"Are you almost ready Y/N?" I heard Scarlett shout. I took one final look in the mirror. I decided to wear a grey suit with a black tie. "Wow. You look fine as hell Y/N/N." She said as I walked into the room.

"Thank you Scar." I smiled at her as she straightened out my suit before we both got in the car.

"So, do you think you and Lizzie may finally you know?" She asked me with raised eyebrows.

"I doubt it." I told her as she just chuckled and left it at that. When we reached Robert's house, the party was in full swing. The music was playing loudly through the speakers. Everyone either dancing or talking amongst each other. Scar and I walked over towards the bar first for a drink.

"Hey guys. I almost thought you weren't going to turn up." Robert said with a smirk. Everyone knows about my crush on the green eyed angel but her.

"I was debating it but this one threatened me." I smirked as I pointed to Scarlett who just chuckled and hit my arm. "Do you see the abuse?" I asked Robert as he laughed.

We leaned against the bar falling into an easy conversation until Scar decided to go and greet some of the others.

"So, are you finally going to grow a pair and ask her?" He asked me as I downed my drink before making myself another.

"Nope." I told him as he just watched me down another.

"You should slow down Y/N." He said as I just shook my head.

"Everytime I am around her, I become a stuttering mess. I become weird and quiet and closed off." I told him as he watched my every move. "I am in love with her and I am also a coward."

"I'm sure you are not a coward." He said as his eyes caught sight of someone causing me to follow his gaze. My eyes found the one woman who can break millions of hearts without even trying. "Maybe just consider the possibility that she may actually like you back." He said before walking off. I just chuckled and downed another drink before refilling it.

"Hey Y/N." I heard the most angelic voice beside me. I was suddenly hyper aware of my tongue and hoping it would swell up so I didn't have to talk.

"Hey Liz." I said as calmly as I could as she stood before me. "I uh well uh. Fuck." I cursed myself under my breath before taking a deep breath before continuing. "You uh you look stunning." I complimented her as she gave me her bright smile.

"Thank you. You look rather dashing yourself." She said as her hands played with the jacket of my suit. If I was a cartoon my heart would have burst right out of my chest. "So do you have any suggestions on what to drink?" She asked me with a raised brow.

"You are more of a wine specifically red or a cocktail type of woman." I told her as I poured her a glass of red wine.

"Is that so?" She asked with a cocked as I handed her the wine and I just nodded before taking a sip of my own.

"So, are you here with anyone?" I asked her since I haven't kept tabs on her since her engagement.

"Yes." She said as my heart broke a little bit. "I'm here with you." She said barely above a whisper as she gazed at me intensely over her glass as she took a sip.

"I mean a plus one." I spoke nervously as she shook her head no.

"Dance with me." She said as she took my drink from my hand and placed it next to hers before dragging me towards were everyone was dancing.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as she gazed into my eyes. I tried to look everywhere but her eyes as I nervously placed my hands on her hips. My heart beating out of my chest.

"Robbie and I broke up." She stated as we had danced for a couple of songs. I was shocked to hear it because they both looked so happy.

"Why?" I asked her as she looked up at me. I was about to tell her she doesn't have to before she started to speak.

"Because of you." She whispered as I was confused.

"Why because of me?" I asked her unsure of why I had a part in their break up.

"Because I am in love with you. He knew how I feel about you." She said as we stopped swaying before she led me towards the closest door which turned out to be the garage. I was shocked to hear that she, The Elizabeth Olsen was in love with me. "We split back in June and I had to be sure about my feelings so I didn't run straight to you."

"Wow." I breathed out. "Are you sure?" I asked her as she nodded. "Really sure?" She just nodded as she stepped closer to me. I could hear my heart beat in my ears as she cupped my cheeks.

"Can I kiss you?" She whispered. I took that as my cue and kissed her hard. My hands on her hips as she moved her hands around my neck. Both of our bodies flush against each other. I pushed her against the nearest wall causing her to gasp as I took control of the kiss.

I lifted her leg up as she wrapped it around my waist as the kiss grew hungrier. My hand travelled up to her underwear and I pushed them to the side, sliding my fingers through her folds feeling how wet she is making her moan into my mouth.

I moved my kisses to her neck sucking harshly leaving marks as I slipped in to fingers causing her to gasp at the intrusion. I started to thrust and I could feel her getting closer to the edge.

The door opened and I instantly paused my movements as both Lizzie and I looked towards the door to see both Robert and Scar with smirks on their faces. I was still knuckle deep inside Lizzie as we both looked like a deer in headlights.

"What's happening here?" Scar asked as they looked at our position.

"I was just about to unwrap my gift." I told them both with a straight face.

"Well touche. Carry on." Robert smirked as he stepped inside to grab a case of beer

"Don't forget protection." Scar shouted loud enough for everyone to hear causing both Lizzie and I to groan. When both Scar and Robert left, I pulled my fingers from Lizzie and helped her steady on her feet.

"Gift huh?" She smirked at me.

"I just. It just came to me." I told her honestly as she bit her lip.

"Maybe if we get out of here, I'll let you unwrap your gift if you let me unwrap mine." She spoke huskily as she played with my tie. The two of us couldn't get out of there fast enough.


An Elizabeth Olsen one for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it

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