Poisonous Plants

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Aloe vera
Not mentioned in the books, but a lot of roleplayers use this plant without even knowing the dangers it causes to cats. It has a mild to moderate toxic effect on the cat. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, and change in urine colour.
  Usage: Eat got overweight cats in very small amounts, plastered on burns.
  Location: Twoleg gardens
* can be used to heal, however if used improperly it can be toxic, though not deadly.

Its poison Can cause tremors in small doses, but in large doses can lead to paralysis or death. Plants and herbs around these flowers are often also contaminated and should not be used, they should be discarded.
Identification:  A tall growing plant with six petals. It has white or yellow flowers with two thin, tall leaves.
Uses: eaten
Territory: open fields, wild flowers

Deadly Nightshade
One of the most toxic herbs, it can even kill a full grown Twoleg. Used to kill a cat who cannot be saved
Identification:  A small shrub with faintly-scented, bell shaped flowers that are purple tinged with green in color, with berries that are black and shiny when ripe
Uses: It is used to kill a cat that cannot be saved quickly
Territory: They grow in moist, shady places, but often grows in places where the soil is rich in limestone
*Treatment: None

Kills a cat in a matter of minutes. Victims who eat this will start to foam at the mouth
  Usage: Eat
  Location: Commonly in forests, but can be found in small ravines

Holly Berries
These aren't as necessarily dangerous as deathberries, but they can be deadly if enough is consumed. The leaves and berries are toxic, but the flower isn't.
Identification: Holly bushes are very pretty with their spiny leaves that produce red berries
Uses: Holly berries are quite possibly the least poisonous herb out of all of these, but still holds dangerous value. They have no effect on adults, but if a kit eats them, it causes kitten-cough.
Territory: Unknown
*Treatment: None Known

Foxglove Seeds
They can be used to strengthen the heart but have more of a chance of causing paralysis and heart failure. They are also commonly mistaken for poppy seeds
Identification: Tiny, black seeds from the pink bell-shaped flower of the fox-glove plant
Uses: The petals can be pressed against deep wounds to stop bleeding, but a patient eats the seeds only as a last resort. It is supposed to help the heart, but instantly causes paralysis and heart failure. It is easy to get them confused with poppy seeds.
Territory: They grow almost everywhere, especially in temperate regions
*Treatment: None

Night Seeds
One of the most toxic herbs. Used to kill a cat who cannot be saved
Identification: Red berries from the infamous dark-leaved, poisonous yew bush
Uses: They WILL kill a cat within minutes of being consumed. Sometimes it is used to kill other cats by forcing them to eat the berry, however rarely medicine cats use it to end a cat's life to prevent unnecessary suffering.
Territory: In the infamous dark-leaved, poisonous yew bush that grows in the forest of all territory
*Treatment: None

Water Hemlock
One of the most toxic herbs. And a painful death so avoid.
Identification: Green or white flowers with petals in umbrella-shaped clusters
Uses: Water hemlock causes writhing, pain, foaming at the mouth, and violent convulsions.
Territory: They grow in wet, marshy areas
*Advice: Is most poisonous plant after deathberries, and can easily be confused with parsley so be careful when identifying.
*Treatment: Thankfully, it can be treated with yarrow if the treatment comes quick enough. If it is too late, the consumer will already be dead.

There is currently no special herbs that can treat cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, cat flu, auto-immune disease, or other cat ailments.

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