Known Omens & Interpretation

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"Either a dream or sign given by StarClan that shows prophetic significance of the future to warn about upcoming events. The difference between omens and prophecies is that an omen can be shown to any rank in a Clan, not just the medicine cat."

Full moon gathering
Every Clan cat knows that when a cloud covers the moon it means that something should not be done, or is a warning sign. It is only a response to those actions taken at the gathering. It is StarClans way of saying that the gathering is over. It is a very severe omen, but it is rare. In truth, it doesn't actually mean that StarClan is unhappy with a decision, it means that things are darker than they appear.

"This is a very important part of a medicine cats life, which a lot of lists seem to leave out. Every medicine cat has a different way of analyzing their dream, so do it in a way that helps the medicine cat's out more easily."

Record the dreams:
Take notes, even a few sentences will help the analyzation.

Identify how the medicine cat's were feeling in the dream:
Suggest to themself; "Was I nervous, angry, confused, etc.? Do I still feel those feelings the morning after? How comfortable am I feeling these emotions?"

Analyze the dreams that occur in daily life:
If the medicine cat's dreamt about a newly made apprentice catching a very specific piece of prey (e.g. a magpie with no tail) and if a newly made apprentice came back from their hunt with a magpie without a tail, then this is something that must be thought out.

Discern recurring thoughts in the dreams in daily life:
Let's say that the medicine cat's are having recurring thoughts such as: "They are going to outcast me" Or "I can't do this" Next the medicine cat's need to ask themself if the medicine cat's were having these thoughts constantly in the dream. And if so, in what situations did the medicine cat's have these thoughts?

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