Medicine Cat Terminology

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Medicine Cat: A cat who heals injuries and/or illnesses, who is skilled with herbs, leaves and natural cures[108] and sometimes receives special signs or prophecies from StarClan.
Kit: A kitten younger than six moons.
Apprentice: A cat at least six moons old, and training to be a warrior (or a medicine cat).
Warrior: A mature cat who has completed his or her warrior training. A she-cat is considered a warrior when she is not currently expecting or nursing a tom's kits.
Mentor: A cat who is currently training an apprentice.
Queen: A she-cat with kits to take care of or who is pregnant with kits, or stays in the nursery helping other queens even though they have no kits.
Elder: Cats who cannot hunt or fight anymore, sometimes due to injury, loss of sight , sickness, or are just too old to do their warrior duties. They are treated with great respect in the Clan. The apprentices in the Clan take fresh kill to them, pick out their fleas, and change their bedding.
Deputy: A warrior who is second in command to the leader, helping the leader in their tasks and replacing them after their death or resignment. They organize patrols and make reports to the leader, and are known to be frequently given apprentices.
Leader: A cat who controls the entire Clan. Holding the most important rank in the Clan, a leader is granted nine lives by StarClan so they "can be first in every battle and last to take a piece of fresh-kill" basically giving them extra time to serve and lead their Clan. They usually train the kits of deputies, but there are some exceptions.

Camp: The place where a Clan makes their permanent home.
Leader's den: The den in camp that belongs to the Clan leader.
Medicine cat's den: The den in camp that belongs to the Clan's medicine cat and his or her apprentice. Sometimes referred to as the medicine den.
Warriors' den: The den in camp that is shared between the warriors and the deputy of that Clan.
Apprentices' den: The den in camp that is shared between the apprentices of that Clan.
Elders' den: The den in camp that is shared between the elders of that Clan.
Nursery: The den in camp that is shared by the queens and kits of that Clan.
Dirtplace: The place near the camp where cats go to urinate or excrete.
Fresh-kill pile: The place, usually in the center of the camp, where the warriors drop the prey they caught while hunting, so it is easily accessible to all the cats in the Clan.

Newleaf: The season of spring.
Greenleaf: The season of summer.
Leaf-fall: The season of autumn or fall.
Leaf-bare: The season of winter.
Moon: The time between one full moon and the next, spanning about 29 days, a month.
Moonhigh: When the moon is the highest in the sky; about midnight.
Moonrise: The time when the moon rises.
Half-moon: About two weeks, half a month.
Quarter-moon: About a week.
Sunhigh: The point during the day when the sun is highest in the sky; noon.
Sunrise: One day in cat time.
Season: A quarter of a year in cat time. Four seasons equal a year.
Heartbeat: A split second.
Claw-moon: When the moon resembles the shape of an unsheathed claw, equivalent to crescent moon.
Sundown: The time of day when the sun is down.
Sunup: The time of day when the sun is up.

Fox-length: About the length of a fox; approximately a yard (80 cm).
Kittenstep or kitstep: About the length of kit's step; approximately an inch or a half inch (1.25-2.5 cm).
Tail-length: About the length of a cat's tail; approximately a foot (30cm).
Rabbit hop or rabbit length: About a foot and a half away (45 cm).
Mouse-length: About two or three inches (5-7.5 cm).
Pawstep: About the length of a cat's step, roughly six inches (15 cm).
Tree-length: About the length of a tree; around 40 to 50 feet. (15 m).

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