Poultice Mixtures

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A poultice is a soft, moist material that is applied to a part of the cats body to relieve pain, itching, swelling, etc

Aching joints poultice
1.) Gather ragwort and juniper berries
2.) crush the ragwort leaves into small bits
3.) smash the juniper onto the crushed ragwort
4.) Chew and mix the herbs together until it forms a tight bond and then give to the patient.
The patient should only chew on the poultice. It's okay to swallow a little, but eating the whole thing can cause a stomachache

Poultice for wounds
1.) Gather horsetail, goldenrod, and marigold
2.) Place the three herbs on top of each other and chew on it until it has almost a paste like texture
3.) Before applying, make sure to get a wet moss ball and dab it lightly on the wound and around it to clean out dirt and debris
4.) Place your poultice onto wherever the cat hurts
5.) Grab some cobweb and wrap it around the poultice and add a few catchweed burrs on top of it and on the edges

Irritated/Itchy skin
1.) Get a comfrey root
2.) chew into a thick poultice
3.) apply where ever the cat is irritated

Poultice for swelling
1.) Have your patient wade through some water
2.) then gather some stinging nettle leaves
3.) chew into a poultice
4.) place wherever the cat hurts
5.) Give them a couple of poppy seeds if needed

Wrenched claw poultice
1.) Make sure to lick the patients claw thoroughly before applying the poultice to get out any kind of dirt and dried blood
2.) Get a comfrey root
3.) chew into a small poultice
4.) apply to the wrenched claw
5.) Wrap some cobweb around the poultice
6.) add a catchweed burr on top if needed

Infected wounds poultice
1.) Crush some marigold petals and chew them thoroughly
2.) Get some honey and smother it on the marigold poultice
3.) Make sure to clean the patients wound with a damp piece of moss to get all dirt and debris out
4.) Place the marigold poultice over the desired area, the honey facing the wound
5.) Place some catchweed burrs on the edges of the poultice

Thorn in paw pad poultice
1.) Make sure to clean the cats paw pad thoroughly before adding the poultice
2.) Chew on some yarrow to form a poultice and apply it to the paw pad
3.) Let the yarrow sit on the paw pad for a few hours, then take the poultice off
4.) The poultice should make the paw pad a lot softer, and the thorn will have disappeared.

Broken leg/paw poultice
1.) First trace your tail over your patients body to check for any damage, and poke your claw onto the area.
2.) If they feel pain it is broken, or if you feel a crack.
3.) Feed them poppy seeds to help soothe the pain, and give them juniper berries or thyme if they are in shock
4.) Gather stinging nettle, comfrey root, and bindweed
5.) Chew on the stinging nettle and comfrey together into almost a paste-like consistency
6.) Plaster the poultice onto the broken bone
7.) wrap the bindweed around the poultice
8.) prop up some sticks under the leg
9.) bundle more bindweed around the sticks
10.) Wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the area
add a few catchweed burrs on the edges of the cast when done.

Chills poultice
1.) Tear up some lavender, catmint and feverfew
2.) chew it up thoroughly
3.) patch it up together to form into a poultice
4.) Put it onto wherever the chill is worst and lick their fur the wrong way to warm them up
5.) Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place.
Recommended to give them juniper berries

Backache poultice
1.) Gather some daisy leaves and chew it into a mush
2.) Add a tiny bit of water, then keep chewing
3.) Once it's formed, place it onto wherever the pain is worst

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