Pulp Mixtures

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A pulp is a wet, soft, shapeless mass that is to be eaten or plastered onto a cats body

Greencough pulp
1.) Crush marigold petals
2.) knead them into a couple of juniper berries
3.) add the herbs into some water and mix
4.) Once done sprinkle some poppy seeds over the pulp and feed to the patient

Heavy breathing pulp
1.) Shred some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint
2.) Once they're into little pieces, chew them up
put them into a small amount of water
3.) stir and Feed to your patient

Bee stings pulp
1.) Give your patient some chamomile
2.) gently take the stinger out with your teeth
3.) Grab some moss, soak it in water, cleanse the area
4.) Chew some blackberry leaves into a mush
5.) add them to water and stir
6.) Once the leaves seem to be gooey enough, take it out and place over the desired area
7.) wrap cobwebs around the pulp
8.) Add a couple catchweed burrs on the edge of the cobweb to help stick in place

Kitten-cough pulp
1.) Chew on some coltsfoot
2.) mix it with some water
3.) then feed to the patient
4.) Give them some cold water as well

Mild flea bites
1.) Gather some marigold
2.) crush the petals until they are in very small pieces
3.) Mix some water onto them
4.) Stir the damp herb while kneading into it, until the petals turn into a fine mush
5.) Once you are done kneading, chew on the mush until it is formed into a soft, wet pulp
6.) Rub the pulp onto the cats pelt
7.)Make a comfrey poultice if they can't handle the itching

Pulp for fevers
1.) Chew on some dandelion
2.) chew on a couple of borage leaves
3.) Mix the two herbs together
4.) add a little bit of water to the mixture
5.) Feed to your patient

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