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Jungkook spun around at the small shout coming from behind him. He leaned down, preparing himself for the small girl to slam into him.

He lifted her up and held her on his hip. He smiled at her.

"What is it, Little Dove? Shouldn't you be learning your writing?"

She was pouting. "Mother is boring. I want to learn the sword!"

Jungkook was heading to the weapons room when Princess Jihae found him. The small girl had been begging him and Jimin for months to let her learn the sword, but Jimin refused adamantly.

It had lead to Jungkook and Jimin to have many arguments, but Jungkook understood. It wasn't that Jimin didn't think a girl shouldn't learn the sword. He was just worried for his daughter.

"Your next birthday, I will convince your parents to let you learn. How does that sound, Little Dove?" He kissed her cheek, and she giggled.


Jungkook and Jihae shared a look of panic.

"Run, Uncle!" She began pointing with sheer desperation to get away. "She's gonna turn into a big monster!"

Jungkook could only laugh as he set her on her feet. He held onto her shoulder to keep her from running, and he smiled innocently at Eunjin as she stomped up to them.

"You have a runaway," he proclaimed.

She huffed out a breath. "She's far too fast for me. Where does she get it from?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Taehyung I'm guessing. He's fast."

"Save us all." She shook her head. She directed her attention to Jihae. "Where are your brothers?"

Jihae shrugged. "With father?"

Eunjin groaned. "They are up to no good, I can feel it in my bones. Jihae, stay with your Uncle Jungkook. Let him teach you about the different types of knives."

Jungkook raised a brow at that. "Are you pissed off at Jimin?"

He felt a small slap on his leg, and he looked down to see Jihae glaring up at him.

"That's a bad word!"

"Sorry, Little Dove." He ruffled her hair and looked back to Eunjin. "Are you mad at Jimin?"

"He's been teaching Jeonghui and Jeonghun how to set traps. They've been setting them throughout the palace, and I've already had to deal with several nobles' complaints." She looked around the hall as if the twins would come out of hiding. "In retaliation I'm telling you to teach her about weapons. She will need to know in order to learn how to fight."

Jungkook laughed. "Not to make things worse, but Namjoon has been helping them, and Hoseok has been the lookout to make sure you're not coming."

"How do you handle your kids?" She asked. "They're well behaved."

He shrugged. "Minji has a calm nature about her. They seem to have missed all of my amazing traits."

"Thank god for that." She looked around again. "Just keep an eye on Jihae. I seem to have birthed nothing but chaos, and I can only handle so much of it at one time. We are also about to be missing a king, so just prepare his funeral pyre while you're at it." She ran off in the direction of the stairwell leading to the third floor. Jungkook heard a loud pop followed by Eunjin's scream of frustration.

He and Jihae looked at each other with amusement.

"I think your mother's dress is on fire," he said. "Should we help her?"

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