Chapter 19

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He waited in the courtyard for her carriage. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, and Namjoon placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Please, King Jimin, you are making me anxious by doing that," he said. "She will be here shortly."

"It's his own fault," Jungkook grumbled. "He dragged us out here way too early."

"Leave the man alone," Lady Areum said. "He's eager."

He ignored them. He was squinting in the distance waiting for a dust cloud or small speck, just anything to show she was arriving.

"What if the wheel fell off one of the carriages?" he asked. "What if they were attacked?"

"She has Hoseok," Seokjin reassured. "She will be safe no matter what happens."

It wasn't reassuring. He was still far too anxious that something bad had already or would happen. He was also worried there wasn't enough prepared for the small fleet of nobles and guards she was bringing with her.

'A small piece of my home,' she had written to explain why she was bring her own nobles. He couldn't argue that point at all. She'd been away from her people for too long.

"What if she got fat in the last few months?" Jungkook asked suddenly. "Wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

"I will have your head," Jimin said. "It's no matter to me if she was fat."

Lady Areum was already twisting Jungkook's ear though. "You will not insult my girl in that way," she said.

That was something else. Lady Areum had decided that she would claim Eunjin as her own because everyone deserved a mother, and she'd always wished Jungkook had been a girl.

"You are so bothersome. If you continue your commentary, no one will be able to locate your body," she added.

"Shut up," Jimin said quickly. He saw in the distance the first carriage approaching. He was leaning forward in anticipation, but he was jerked back by Lady Areum.

"Stand straight. You are a King."

It didn't seem fast enough for him. Several carriages were coming up the path and into the courtyard, and he did his best to keep himself from bouncing again.

"Now presenting Queen Eunjin!"

Hoseok stepped out of her carriage first followed by Taehyung, and they both held their hands out to aid her in stepping onto the ground.

She was beautiful. He didn't expect any less, but he was still staggered by her. She was regal and confident and glowing, and he wanted to run to her.

"This is much better than the last time I was brought here," she told Hoseok. "Thank you for not throwing me about this time."

"I only considered it twice on this trip," he said with a smile.

"I considered it the entire way," Taehyung said. "You're quite chatty when you're nervous"

Jungkook cleared his throat. "It took you long enough," he said loudly. "King Jimin here had us out here waiting for quite some time."

Jimin wanted to murder Jungkook in that moment, but Eunjin's eyes met his, and she was so radiant. Jungkook's slight was entirely forgotten.

He bowed. "Queen Eunjin. It's an honor."

She did a deep curtsy. "King Jimin," she greeted.

"Why are you two being so formal?" Jungkook griped. "It's annoying."

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