“Watch where you’re going, Potter!” my brother called, coming up from behind us. I didn’t bother looking over my shoulder and instead took the chance to slip around both of them and retrieve my bags before darting off the train.

Draco’s posse was waiting beside the line of carriages. They didn’t seem to know what to do without their leader. I rolled my eyes and approached them.

                “Come on, he’s gonna be a while.” I said boredly holding out my bag for one of the boys to take, they did so willingly. Pansy looked back at the train forlorn and I walked in front of them.

I was finally back in my domain.

Draco had caught up to us before the feast, halfway during the sorting. Of course no teacher confronted him. We were practically royalty. “Anything good?” he asked, taking a seat between Pansy and Crabbe, across from myself.

                “Not really,” I replied shrugging, “We got two kids so far, Ryder and Lexington.” I commented dully. When he didn’t answer I looked up, only to regret it. It seems Parkinson didn’t waste any time. I mentally scrubbed my eyes with bleach and turned my attention up to the front of the Great Hall. Dumbledore was about to speak, the last of the sorting completed. As usual we had the smallest number of first years.  

                “I’d like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Tri-wizard tournament. For those of you who don’t know the Tri-wizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests, from each school a student is chosen to compete. Now, let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the fair hearted. But more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime.”

 He was nearly cut off by the sound of the doors swinging open. A large bundle of girls, dressed in pale blue uniforms gracefully stepped through; their hair pulled into a low ponytail and partially concealed by a matching drop hat. “Bloody Hell!” I heard someone exclaim, most likely from one of the other houses, I scoffed. Pigs. But even my brother had pulled himself away from his snogging partner to look. I suppressed a laugh as I saw her face turn red.

A much smaller girl lead the headmistress down to the front of the Great Hall, to be greeted by Dumbledore himself, who escorted her to the professor’s table to be seated. He stood up holding his hands out to the door and spoke loudly.

                “And now, our friends from the north! Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff!”

The entire atmosphere changed at the entering of this group. They were all dressed entirely in dark brown, although it was safe to say not many girls were paying attention to what they were wearing. The guys just rolled their eyes until a young familiar man walked in beside who I assumed was the headmaster.

“No way, its Viktor Krum,” a second year spoke from a few people down. The Slytherin table was the most interested in this group.

My attention was immediately grabbed by a sudden flame erupting at the front of the Hall. It flowed from one of the guys mouths and turned into a dragon before slowly disappearing. I frowned, fire had always made me uncomfortable. Dumbledore quickly met with Karkaroff and embraced him. I felt like I knew the name from somewhere. When I looked again the headmaster was smiling, but it looked more like he was bearing his teeth. Which were in surprisingly terrible condition.

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