Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    There are two pockets of money in front of Mu Ziyan, one pocket is star coins, and the other pocket is chips.

    On the day of negotiating terms with Mo You, she asked for 200,000 star coins. It can be seen that the money given by the fat man is indeed not small, and he did not fool him.

    Mu Ziyan immediately admired the girls in the TV series, what kind of beliefs allowed them to give up all the money to choose a man.

    If Mo You knew that someone was willing to pay the money to keep her by her side, how would she choose... He didn't know, and he didn't want to know that

    Fatty sat across from him and said to himself: "If you don't have a suitable planet to go to, I can give it to you." You recommend a few, all of which are low in price and comfortable in life and have a lot of beautiful women." The

    fat man is very confident. How many of these scumbags who abandoned their original partners to coax little girls are sincere. Now that they need spaceships and money, people with more brains will naturally agree.

    Although his spaceship is not comparable to Flying Eagle 2, but——

    "Flying Eagle 2 is indeed very good, but the question is, do you dare to drive it all over space? My ship is a little old, so I want to buy it. It won’t work without more than a hundred thousand.” The fat man said.

    Mu Ziyan felt that he couldn't take it anymore, he stood up, clenched his hands into fists, and turned his back to the table without speaking.

    The fat man felt that this person might not be able to pass the psychological test, after all, the little girl came out with him.

    In fact, as far as the fat man is concerned, anyone can match up, but Mo You has only been here for two days, and he has already approached the boss twice, and he even talked to him.

    This is enough to show that this girl has a magical aura, which is the key that can open the boss Jinkou.

    Of course, this matter can't be done too much like a business, and it has to be humane, so that people can save some face.

    So he also stood up, walked behind Mu Ziyan, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed: "A man, why bother..." Before he could finish his sentence, he was punched hard

    on the face, and his whole body was spinning. Fly back and fall to the ground.

    Mu Ziyan stepped forward, picked up his collar, lifted him out of the spaceship, threw him hard on the ground, then turned around and locked the spaceship.

    He walked slowly to the side of the fat man, stood upright, with a cold expression, looking down at him.

    The fat man covered his sore right cheek, licked the bloody smell in his mouth, and was about to curse, when he looked up and saw his eyes, he suddenly felt a chill down his back.

    Mu Ziyan bent his lower lip and said, "In the entire universe, except for Mo You, no one can give me anger."

    He stopped caring about the fat man who couldn't get up on the ground, and strode back. He has had enough, go now, get out of here immediately.

    He once said that with just a pair of fists, Mo You can be taken out of the fourth star.

    This is not what he boasted about. His current body is the most advanced, powerful and dangerous weapon in the solar system, and no one can order him unless he wants to, except his master.

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