💔my singing monsters oc#2💔

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Names: buffalo
Age: 26
Gender: male
Species: maw

Names: buffalo Age: 26Gender: male Species: mawLooks:

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Sexuality: bi

Personality: sassy,stubborn,cunning,chill,mischievous,weird,
occasionally hangry,ambiverted,kind,a bit lazy,rambunctious,flirty,

Likes: eating,affection,jewelry,
Naps,dark places,singing,
Hanging with friends,jumping,pranks,
sweets,junk food,movies,being a matchmaker,girly stuff,

Deslikes: pervs,homophobia,incest,
pedophilia,rape,veggies,too much violence,child abuse,bullying,almost getting snatched by bigger monsters,

Height: 2 feet bigger than the average maw

Other: he likes to help other monsters find their match and  has a habit of almost mistaking smaller monsters for food

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