⚠️madness combat oc #2⚠️

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Name: austin
Age: 27
Gender:genderfluid but born Male
Species: grunt

Name: austin Age: 27Gender:genderfluid but born Male Species: grunt Looks:

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*last one is date night outfit*

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*last one is date night outfit*

Sexuality: gay

Pronouns: they/them/he/him

Personality: a bit  kind,a bit sassy ,sympathetic,a bit rude when needed ,rambunctious,
,cautious,sarcastic at times,

Likes: knives,sweets,books,cuddles,a bit of kinky stuff,naps ,guns,bloodshed,cookies,hot sauce ,hanging out with sanford,crossdressing ,
revealing outfits,music,
Movies,being a sniper,
Contortionist stuff

Deslikes: homophobes,karens, pedophilia,pervs,getting kidnapped,getting interupted,seeing anyone they care about die,abuse,phobos,

Top or bottom: bottom

Height: 5'9

Crush: auditor

Weapons: knives and bombs and guns and chainsaws

Skills: a good distraction and has a really good throw and is pretty fast and is a bomb expert and gun expert and sniper

Friends: hank,deimos ,sanford ,jebus,

Other: they met the gang a long Time ago and is the lookout/sniper of the gang and they do crossdressing and drag in nevada

Abilities: very flexible, pretty fast,good eye sight,good hearing 

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