🧚‍♀️fairytale oc💀

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Name: agustin
Age: unknown but is a adult
Gender: male
Species: fairy eater *made it up myself:3*

Name: agustin Age: unknown but is a adult Gender: male Species: fairy eater *made it up myself:3*Looks:

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Sexuality: unknown
Pronouns: he/him

Personality: a bit cold,cunning,somewhat rambunctious,a bit lazy at times,stubborn,determined,
fiesty at times,ect

Likes: eating fairies alive,hanging around beaches and pirates,naps occasionally,keeping gaurd,hunting,

Deslikes: a fairy getting away,crocodiles,getting his claws trimmed,fire,

Height: 6'0

Top or bottom or switch: top

Other: the fairy eater lives up to its name as it eats any fairy it sees and can jump very high to catch ones that try to fly away,it doesn't wait a bit before eating a fairy cause it knows another fairy might try to save it so it eats it as soon as it catches it,they are somewhat rare in certain places but some pirates use them to keep fairies away or to get rid of them and be good gaurd creatures,they will sometimes trick a fairy into thinking it's a poor wounded animal before eating that fairy as soon as they get close ,they have sharp claws for defense and climbing,it can mimic other animals voices and fairies as well,they are incredibly powerful against things smaller than it or as big as him,

Voice mimic

High jumping

Enhanced strength

Good climbing

Sharp slashing claws

High intelligence

Night vision


fairy bait traps made by other pirates


Crush : none

Movies I'd put him in :


Peter pan

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