💰🐸random frog oc🐸💰

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Name: cobble
Age: full grown adult
Gender: male
Species: GIANT frog

Name: cobbleAge: full grown adult Gender: maleSpecies: GIANT frog Looks:

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Sexuality: pan
Pronouns: he/him

independent,a bit greedy,kind,

Likes: eating people,cuddles,swimming,
napping, night time hunting,affection,ribbiting,
Shiny things,adventures,betraying travelers in the end by eating them,music,magic,books,
misty areas

Deslikes: pervs,homophobia,incest,
pedophilia,clingy people,spicy food,abuse,too much chatter, dry environments,veggies,getting hurt

Height: 80 feet

Top or bottom or switch: unknown

Abilities: basic frog abilities but add age immortality and a extra sticks toungue and size shapeshifting but can only shrink to 10 feet

Other: they act like they are to be trusted but in the end they eat the traveler's they helped with usually no regrets

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