👁💉monster oc💉👁

100 4 9

Name: shadow
age: ??????
Gender: male
Species: some kind of demonic beast

Name: shadow age: ??????Gender: maleSpecies: some kind of demonic beastLooks:

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*art not mine *
Sexuality: unknown
Pronouns: they/them/it

Personality: sadistic,cunning,
crazy,manipulative,cruel,only somewhat kind to those who obey it ,protective

Likes: blood,flesh,devouring souls,bones,naps,guarding things,sharp things,eating people alive, darkness,screams, movies

Deslikes: churches,homophobia,incest,pedophilia,holy water,prey getting away,pervs,bright lights,mushrooms

Height: 18 feet

Top or bottom or switch: unknown

Crush: none

Other: they like to kill anybody for fun or if they make fun of him or try to take what  he is protecting

Abilities: shadow manipulation,shapeshifting,
mind control,super strong,fast af ,strong jaws,sharp teeth,floating,sharp flesh ripping claws,memory erasing

*I'll use them as a cruel villain in rp's *

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