🔥👑random fandom oc#2👑🔥

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Name: Soren
Age: 22
Gender: female
Species: appears to be human

Name: Soren Age: 22Gender: female Species: appears to be humanLooks:

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Sexuality: bi

Pronouns: she /her

Personality: flirty,sassy,cunning,
stubborn ,brave,curious,chill,persistent,ect

Likes: flirting,sparring,affection,
naps,adventures,spicy food,video games,movies,comics,

Deslikes: pervs,homophobia,incest,
pedophilia,getting interrupted,people complaining about her outfit,bugs,creeps,Karen's,

Height: 5'11

Top or bottom or switch: bottom

Crush: depends on fandom

Other: she is known for sparring at places for money and will occasionally sleep around and is from a futuristic looking city

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