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What was he doing here?

Before I could stand up, Alex stood up to face him. "The hell you doing here man? I'm talking to you man."

Flynn didn't reply him. Rather his gaze swept from Ava's to mine and then to Ava's again. He moved past Alex and scooted low before Ava. It was as if I was frozen on the spot. I couldn't move neither could I do anything to stop him.

"Nice to see you too, Ava." He took Ava's outstretched hand."Doppelganger, really?"

"Yeah because I saw you one time on TV and I felt you were familiar. The next morning when I looked up to my reflection while brushing my teeth, I realized that we had the same colors of eyes. And your nose kinda looked like mine too," She chuckled, pinching his nose. "I've always wanted to meet you someday in person until I saw you outside the park that day but mommy wouldn't even let me speak to you. She was so much in a hurry to get home."


"Tell me, is your name Flynn? Mommy keeps talking about a certain Flynn and she's always arguing with Uncle Alex about him. Can I trust you?"

Flynn nodded.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "I don't know but I think he's my father." She shrugged. "Maybe."

"Ava, that's enough." I pulled her away from him and tucked her behind him.

"You. You're breaking an order here, you know that? You were after me before and now you're after my daughter as well!? When are you going to leave us alone for crying out loud?"

"You were pregnant...and you didn't tell me?" He whispered.

"Okay man, that's enough." Alex cut in, moving in front of me immediately. "Just get out before I call security."

"Baby, I asked you a question!"

Shit...shit, shit, Damnit!

"Yes! Yes, I was pregnant and I didn't tell you! Happy now? Now leave us alone!"

What happened next was so shocking and unexpected. He punched Alex out of the way and got in front of me, grabbing both my arms tightly. He didn't even care if he was making a scene in the restaurant.

"Tell me, who's her father!? Why does she have my mother's hair and why does she look so much like me? Answer me, Lisa! Who's really Ava's father!?"

"Get the hell away from my mommy!" Ava came from behind him and tried pushing him off. "If you hurt my mommy, I swear when I grow up, I'll have you arrested. Now let her go!"

Tears slid down my face and on seeing the tears on my face, he released me and then pulled me into a hug.
"Lisa, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, baby, please forgive me. Baby, I'm--"

"Flynn please just let me go. Let me go, Flynn, please, I'm begging you."

"He won't know this." He was referring to Alex who was still on the floor. 'Tell me, is she my mine?"

I choked on my sobs. "Flynn, please don't do this..."

"Were you pregnant, six years ago? Tell me, baby, is she mine?"

I nodded. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I had to do it. It was the only way I knew of to protect Ava. I'm really sorry, Flynn, I'm so sorry." I said, unable to stop the tears that were rolling down my face now.

I felt him go still. Then slowly, he let go of me. Without saying another word, he brushed past me to stand in front of Ava. Again.

When he lifted a hand to touch Ava, she moved away. "Don't. Touch. Me. You hurt my mommy. You made my mommy cry. No one makes my mommy cry and gets away with it. Don't you even dare talk to me."

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