He could tell that Rain was getting frustrated too, and he found himself wishing for the day to end faster. At this point he was fairly certain that Nat was trying to flirt, but given how Rain was reacting he wasn't too worried. Still that didn't make him any happier to see it happen in front of him.

If he saw Nat grab his hand one more time he was gonna.... Phayu's thoughts trailed off as he calmed himself down twirling the pen between his fingers.

"P'Rain how about this," Nat came behind Rain and leaned into his space to point to something on the computer. He spoke into Rain's ear, and pressed intimately against his back.

"Nong..." Rain started to give him a warning, getting tired of the overwhelming flirting and attention.

A sharp snap stopped him, and he looked behind him to see the pen that Phayu had been twirling  bent in half dangling from his hand. Raising an eyebrow he studied the man he wanted to call lover, and couldn't help the small thrill that ran through him.

He was jealous

As hot as that realization was he wasn't looking to have any issues, and so he carefully moved away from Nat and tried to maintain a polite distance. As he moved away Som moved over to Phayu, and tried to fuss over his hand. He had removed the pen from Phayu's fingers, and was currently rubbing them between his own.

Rain fixed a deadpanned stare at him, and raised his eyebrow further. His eyes warning him to pull away, consequences promised in his stare. A slow smile quirked up the left side of his mouth, and Phayu politely thanked his nong before quickly separating their hands.

All through this Mile and Grand watched all of this in amusement, and quickly clocked what Nat and Som had yet to notice.

"Sooo," P'Mile whispered under his breath, " Not so single after all."

Rain felt the flush climb the back of his neck, and elbowed his friend in the side. His own lips threatening to curve into a smile, but he kept it to himself. After one more  hour they called it quits on their work session.

Dodging Nat and Som's dinner invitation's were almost as exhausting as their constant flirting, but somehow he and Phayu managed to circumvent them both. He was worried that Som would try to follow them into the Airbnb, but was pleasantly surprised when he just dropped them off.

"Mmmmmmm...oh shiaaa," Rain moaned out as he stretched on the bed he'd thrown himself down on. The tension of the day stretching out and fading.

" Is that an invitation," an amused voice came from the doorway.

The small of Rain's back jumped as he heard Phayu's voice. Turning over he patted the spot next to him, and watched as the sexy man walked to him and sat down. Bending down he pressed soft lips to Rain's. Pulling back he smiled softly at him.

" Hi," Phayu smiled down at Rain, and then turned tossing his legs onto the bed. He shimmied down until he could pull Rain against him, and sighed in satisfaction as he felt the other mans nose  press against his neck.

Phayu went to press another kiss on Rain's forehead, but he dodged it with a huffy sound. A little surprised he tried again, and was met with the same move. Leaning back he moved to try and see Rain's face, but he pressed it into his chest.

"What's the matter?" He asked him in worry.

Rain shook his head, and tightened his arms around him when Phayu tried to move back to get a better look at his face. He didn't force him to let him look, and instead snuggled him closer.

"Hmm..What's wrong nong Rain," Phayu chided in a soft and amused tone.

The adorable man in his arm's stiffened, and pushed away sitting up to face Phayu with a pouty face.

" Hoh...so I'm nong, and he's just Som," Irritated jealous eyes stared back at him.

Rain moved to get off the bed, but was playfully pulled back. In one smooth movement Phayu sat on his legs, and leaned over caging his upper body with his arms. Muscle's flexed under the arm tattoo, and Rain felt a flutter in his stomach.

" Oh...so nong..Rain was jealous of nong Som who I'm not interested, nor have ever had any interest in," He leaned down to inhale into Rain's neck enjoying the flustered look he gave him.

" However, what about nong Nat," Phayu continued sharpening his tone when he said Nat's name, " If I recall he seemed a lot more enthusiastic about pursuing you than completing the song. All in front of your soon to be."

Again he leaned down, and breathed deep on the other side of Rain's neck feeling the pulse jump as he emphasized it with a swipe of his tongue.

Rain's heart was hammering against his ribs as he heard what Phayu said, and asked the question with ragged breath and pulse.

"My soon to be what?"

With a smirk that was all confidence he swooped down, and kissed Rain hard.


Photo credit: Pinterest

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