Taehyung & Yoongi: pneumonia and fight

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry hyung" the younger one apologized, but his voice was no more than a soft whisper.

"Don't even bother. Those are just empty words" the older one huffed annoyed. "You're grown up now, start behaving like one"

The younger one looked shocked at the words and he felt tears forming in his eyes. "No I'm really sorry" he tried to apologize again, but the rapper closed his laptop with a loud bang and stood up. "Just fuck off"

Taehyung looked shocked at the cursing hyung and watched him grab his coat, leaving the house without saying anything. When the front door closed, the boy couldn't hold back his tears anymore and started to cry. And soon another coughing fit had started leaving him gasping for air and feeling faint.

"Tae!" he heard someone yelling from the hallway and a few seconds later he felt warm hands cup his face. "Shush Tae, breath. Come on you need to breath" Hoseok, it was Hoseok who was talking to him. He really tried to follow his hyung's words, since he didn't want to annoy another member.


"Hey don't close your eyes" Taehyung snapped open when the dancer tapped his cheek gently. He was focusing so hard on breathing properly that he hadn't noticed his eyes had closed.

"Hy-ungg" he mumbled and leaned into the older one's hands. Hoseok repositioned his arms so he could pull the boy in his lap.

"Jimin!" Taehyung heard the older one yell again, but his mind couldn't understand why. He jumped when a cold hand was pressed against his forehead.

"He is burning up" he heard say to someone else, or was he talking to him?

"We should go to the hospital, he is almost passing out" since when was Jimin standing next to him? And who was almost passing out?

"Hy-ung" was all that Taehyung could say before he felt himself being lifted in strong arms. After a few moments the air suddenly got cooler but he was quickly sat down on a comfortable couch and guided to someone's comfortable chest. Thankfully, the coughing had subdued almost completely but the fit had left him exhausted so he immediately fell asleep.

"When did he got sick?" Hoseok asked when he saw Taeyung fall asleep against Jimin's chest. He was driving faster than usual and looked at the duo through the tiny mirror. Jimin looked concerned at the boy in his arms "I don't know. I went to his bedroom when I didn't see him all morning but he was showering. He sounded fine though"

"Oh shit Jimin, we forgot to tell Yoongi!" the dancer looked shocked behind him for a second before he had to look at the road again. "We should call him when we arrive at the hospital"

"What about the others?" Jimin asked. The older one sighed, the others didn't know what was going on as well since they had left the house earlier to get the groceries.

"Here, take my phone and massage them in the group chat" Hoseok said whilst he handed his own phone towards the other. Jimin nodded and quickly typed something to tell the others that Taehyung was very sick. Almost immediately the phone started to ring, showing Seokjin name on the screen.

[Hobi what's going on!!!]

The oldest one practically yelled through the small device. Jimin quickly held the phone as far as possible from Taehyung since the boy was still sleeping comfortable against him. Sleeping did wonders for the boy since his breathing patron had turned into a normal pace again. But unfortunately they could still hear him wheeze and his skin was getting impossibly hotter.

"I found him coughing and crying on the couch. He has a high fever as well" Hoseok explained and motioned for Jimin to give him the phone.

[Since when is he sick. He was fine yesterday, right?]

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