"Wow, you're durable too. I wonder how much punishment you can take." Dax spoke to himself as he stepped through the newly made hole in the wall.

Darris glanced around quickly. He had been flung into a large furnished room. A set of large tables were set all over the room. At the head of the room was a desk with a writing board behind it with a half-written magical rune drawn upon it.
"Quite the room here. Never been one for magic. I'd rather hack something to pieces myself then let spells do the-" Dax was cut off when a desk flew toward his face. Dax reacted quickly, swinging downward and cutting the table in two before it hit him; the two broken pieces flying to either side of him.

It was then that Darris swung with both his blades as the table fell apart. The first attack; Dax raised his blade and swung up, knocking the scimitar upward. However, for his second swing Darris sounded and swung his other scimitar at Dax's throat.

Dax raised his arm to his neck to block the blade. An echo of fire shrouded his arm, acting like a cushion to the blade that effortlessly sliced through the flames. Dax was flung across the room from the force of the swing, breaking several tables as he crashed into them. The tables were flung across the room, crashing into each other and snapping in half.

"Enough-" Dax grunted as he pushed a chair off of him and began rising to his feet. He glanced up to see another table flying at him. He gritted his teeth and clutched his blade. "With the damn tables!" He roared, swinging his sword. A wave of fire projected from the blade and cut the table in two, burning it in two.

Darris fell from behind the now charred table, swinging down with both of his scimitars. Both were shrouded in a thick layer of souls, ready to carve into the hide of the creature in front of them. Darris roared and swung down with all his might, then his blades shattered.

Time moved slowly for a moment as Dax swung his blade clean through Darris's. He had no time to react as the soul-shrouded longsword cleaved into his chest with a burst of necrotic energy.
Darris was flung back into the board behind the desk across the room. A large crack formed throughout the wall where Darris's body slammed into it.

Darris slumped to the ground, the would in his chest pulsing with mist. The souls within him began to crowd around the wound but were quickly burned away as they approached the flaming souls that covered his wound.

He glanced up as he saw the desk in front of him get violently pushed to the side, revealing Dax, shrouded in his own flaming souls. "You really have no idea how to use your souls, do you?" Dax grunted, faint cinders falling from his mouth as he spoke. His voice seemed to fade into focus as Darris finally shook away his daze.

Darris shot up and made a swing with his now broken scimitar, but Dax simply knocked it aside, grabbed Darris's head, and slammed it into the wall behind him. Darris's vision blurred again as his head collided with the wall, making yet another web of cracks throughout it.

"All you know how to do is protect yourself and attack." Dax roared, opening his maw again. This time, however, no flames spewed from his throat. Instead, Dax sank his teeth into Darri's collar before tearing off a chunk of his dead flesh.
Darris winced as he saw flickers of golden mist sail from the wound on his collar and float toward Dax before sinking into his skin. Darris felt his power drain ever-so-slightly as the soul was torn from him.

"You don't even know how to use anything from your Cycle." He bit into Darris again. "You can't drain someone's vitality like Death." He took another bite. "You can't create an unknowable illness like Plague." He bit again. "And you can't steal the powers of others like mine, Gluttony." He went to take another bite but Darris put a hand to the reaper's chest.

With his single eye he glared at Dax. "Can you please shut the hell up." He muttered as his hand began to glow with condensed mist into his palm. Suddenly, a giant burst of golden flames erupted from his hand, engulfing Dax in burning souls.
Dax stumbled back, hit fur erupting in golden cinders and partially burning away. He chuckled. "Oh so you can-" He was cut off when a soul-charged fist smashed into his nose, sending him tumbling back.

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