02. Haven't I Given Enough?

Start from the beginning

Annalise and Aiden's lives were perfect when they were around; they had real parents. But now that their siblings are caught up in this awful 'murder' they can't even tell their little sister what really happened.

The little sister that no one knows is breaking so much behind closed doors. The little sister that has been lied to for the past 2 years by not only her older brother but her parents.

But it's just another problem that they all overlook, because why pay attention to your fourth child that is nowhere near as good as your other children.

The children that you love more than the daughter who breaks herself by just trying to be seen by her parents.

Why should a child have to break herself for a sport? Why should a child be having panic attacks about exams that she is smart enough to pass, but because her parents have put so much pressure and stress on her, she has no confidence in herself to pass?

It's all just a why.

"Meet here tomorrow? See if anything changes" River spoke, seeing his younger brother nod. He couldn't find it in him to even ruffle his little brothers' hair just like old times.

But it wasn't the 'old' times anymore.

This was a new trauma that they had to wear on their sleeves because they couldn't find it in their heart to believe what their own eyes were seeing.

Aiden trudged his way back to the house that was encased in silence and darkness. The house that he used to call home.

That had the hallways filled with laughter, while the pillows were strewn over the floor with rugs upturned from all the running, they did when they were playing their childhood games.


What is a perfect childhood? Is there such a childhood where a child doesn't grow up too fast or too slow? A childhood where a child grows up when the time is right, not wrong?

What child hasn't experienced something that changes their mentality so much so that they have a completely different perspective of the world and the people around them. The same very people that gave birth to them and the people they were forced to trust and love.

A child has been scared by monsters under their beds or in their closets, but what child has had to be scared for their lives by the people who 'killed' their older siblings?

Aiden Lauren was scared for not only his life, but his sibling's life. Hence why he ran up the ancient old stairs that his great grandparents had walked up when they were children.

"Ana" Aiden heaved as he opened his little sister's bedroom door, noticing she was curled up under her covers, reading a book. 'Always reading' Aiden thought. If it was any other situation, he would have laughed at his little sister, but he envied her.

To have the concentration to read a book for hours on end and not be bored out of your mind.

"What?" she whispered, so entranced in her book that she didn't even bother to look at her brother who still had his dirty shoes on that were covered in mud, as his chest heaved up in down with his face covered in sweat.

"We need to hide" he spoke, taking a glance at the front door, hearing a punch before some mentally insane words were barely audible.

Annalise had heard the bang and someone murmuring something, as her book was chucked beside her, before she ripped the covers off her body. She grabbed her phone before lunging into Aiden's embrace.

She didn't care if he would push her away sooner or later, she needed to be in his comfort. She needed to hold onto something so that it wouldn't feel as though her world was collapsing around her.

So that it wouldn't feel as though everyone she had ever loved had left her.

"Come on" Aiden murmured, pulling her closer, as they locked her door, shutting it behind themselves. It would look as though someone was in there, sleeping.

They scaled along the wall, holding their breaths as they heard someone break in. These people were here on a mission to kill them. Aiden thought that, or at least that was what he believed in that moment.

If they made it out alive, they would be some of the luckiest people in the world.

They heard the smash of vases and glasses before they sprinted as quietly as they could towards the attic. "It's jammed" Ana whisper hushed as she used the ladder up to the door.

"Move" Aiden rushed out, not noticing the way that Ana's foot got stuck. She didn't fall far, so a loud noise was not created. Aiden pushed the jammed door open, grabbing Ana's hand, pulling her up, before he hoisted the ladder up.

The door was then slid back over before they boarded it up with old chairs and an old dresser. They were safe, or at least they thought they were.


Thoughts? sorry for the short chapter 

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Thoughts? sorry for the short chapter 

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