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    Antarctica, First Institute of Anomalies.

    The heating facilities in the house barely maintained the temperature in the room, and the people in the room were wearing thick jackets, taking two steps and stomping their feet from time to time.

    A light blue room was divided into two halves by special glass, and one side was filled with seawater with floating ice. There is an open metal box inside, and a button-sized device is locked in the box, making a rapid beeping sound.

    One side is densely packed with various instruments. The instruments are connected with tubes one after another. The tubes are put into the seawater and connected to the box, shining faintly.

    James raised his hand from time to time, blowing into the palm of his hand, his face under the goggles had turned red.

    ——This is because the indoor temperature is too low and the capillaries shrink, causing the facial skin to become red and dry.

    As Antarctica is about to enter polar night, the solar-powered research institute has had to reduce energy use.

    After half a month, they will leave the institute collectively, and come back after the polar night has passed.

    Tang Guangyu and Ye Mike stood in front of the huge light screen, looked up and watched the value jumping continuously.

    Tang Guangyu held a pen in his hand, and was recording some key data on paper by handwriting. His hands were purple and swollen from the cold, and he couldn't even bend his joints.

    James came over and patted him, the light of ability flashed, and the shattered ice on Tang Guangyu's notebook and eyelashes disappeared, and he said, "Is the result coming soon?"

    Tang Guangyu looked up at the screen, "En" said: "I can probably feel that this device is about to produce new changes."

    "It's eight o'clock in the morning, you two haven't slept for two days, remember when it's over..."

    "Quick, quick, Don!" Ye Mike spoke in a hurry, "There has been a change!"

    There was a buzzing sound from the device soaked in sea water, and a red light spot suddenly appeared on the light screen, which disappeared after flickering for a few seconds, and everything went back to normal again. fell into a calm.

    "Have the coordinates been marked?" Ye Mike walked to Tang Guangyu, speaking very fast, "This is the first signal source we have captured. If we can track it to the real site, it is likely to activate the second signal source of this energy device." form, once the extraction is successful, it is very likely that the current situation of human weakness will be broken, as long as we do that, we will definitely...!"

    In just half a month of research, Ye Mike has already extracted countless information chains from this button-sized energy weight. Although he has not been able to fully interpret it yet, he can only vaguely analyze the data related to weirdness, but he can already see it. One of the mysteries enough to affect the future situation.

    —he thought it was a godsend.

    Tang Guangyu's violent cough interrupted Ye Mike's excited words. His face was flushed, but his lips were shockingly white. James stood beside him and patted him on the back rhythmically.

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