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Going down from the stairs as the queen I'm, I look around smiling slightly, not much. Until my eyes landed on Lisa.
My smile faded like the swash of water as waves roll onto the sandy beach, but quicker of course.

I saw the pain in her eyes but it disappeared after a while, and instead she hid it with a big real smile. that made me feel warm inside. stop. I told my self as I looked away from her at the other guests. looking for the one person.

"Jeon Jungkook" . said my wolf with so many different emotions.

Today she was very tense and quiet, she hardly answered me.

Which surprised me a lot, I tried not to think too much about it though.

" Jennie-ah" A soft voice called. I turn my full attention, and hummed as a answer.

" You okey?" Jisoo unnie asked

" More than okey unnie" I answered, but she looked like she didn't fully believe it. But chose not to comment on it.

" Jendukie are you okay" Tae oppa asked me, or should I say my wolf, well is me too isn't it. She is me and am her, we are one.

.Eternally. forever, till death do us a part.

My eyes glowed gold orange, showing my wolf are in control

" yes oppa everything is . ..........ok I just feel. you know. i feel anxious like something is going on. .Something big. like I'm losing something. Something that is important, and valuable to me . Like my other half. I feel a little happy too but the feeling of me losing something overpowering. The emotions are overwhelming. It doesn't feel right. I'm not exaggerating, I'm scared, really scared Oppa."

When Jenduke finished her sentence I was shocked and speechless, that explains her strong sensitive feelings since three days ago and today she wasn't really in the mood, neither happy nor angry. but she felt a tremendous anxiety, which reached and influenced me too, as I too felt anxious.

I could see worried and that sadness in my older brother's eyes as if it was meant to/for me, which it is. But I could see a different emotion in his eyes, one that I never saw unless mom and dad punished me and that's a pity . which I detest. Very much.

Jendukie give me control back and I glare at him. " wipe that face experience from you ugly face before I do it, asshole" I spit ,dislikes in my voice.

" wow wow wow, That's it, no more talk for you Jen, for now" Jin oppa Said
" I agree with you baby" Unnie added smiling. Oppa looked at her and winked which makes her blush of course. Which makes me roll my eyes.

I looked at Taehyung with a disgusted look, and you know what. he looked at me too with the same expression and we both roll our eyes. Tae grabbed my hand and together we started down the stairs, once and for all. we heard someone clear their throat which was Jin and heard him say "we should go too" and a small "yeah". I secretly giggled

" Whats upp Buddy's hope you enjoyed and are enjoying all about at the party. Today is my sweet little sister Kim jennie Jane Ruby's birthday. Please congratulate her, let's clap for the birthday girl ." Oh okey....... Taehyung oppa said

"First of all I want to thank you all who came, I really appreciate it. as you know I'm turning one year older tonight, in about less than 1 minute, that means I can find my mate right now in less than a minute let's count together. 1 2 3 now

"And happy birthday to me" " Happy birthday Jennie" everyone shouted, not everyone but yeah.

and then the beautiful fireworks exploded, we all looked up and watched the wonderful view. Correct me did I said that I'm having an outside party. hehe if not i'm sorry.

" So everyone Enjoy the party" Jin oppa said, and just like that everyone was back to shit chatting again.


again I was looking for that specific person that my eyes can't get used to anymore
. I'm looking for those dark brown doe eyes, which I can't find... until

until I get this strong scent cinnamon but still fresh and forest scent. I like it. "Mate, Mate, Mate" calls my wolf. to say i was shocked is an understatement. "r-I really" I stutter out.

"Jennie fucking Ruby ​​go to mate now he's with another girl." she screams at me, anger and sadness in her voice. I felt she wanted control but I pushed her in. Now I was sad and angry.

I haven't even caught his eye and it's already a another person that isn't me there to him. those thoughts even drive me to the edge. "Jen" I heard someone call me but I don't know who it was, all I saw was red and pushing others out of my way.

heavy long steps towards MY mate. MINE. I come in halt. "mate mate mate" my wolf literally screams in my head making me wince.

I was face to face with the eyes I wanted to look at all day. eyes I couldn't even go a day without looking at them. these eyes I would like to look at it all day without getting tired of them. those eyes i always get lost in them. like they drilled into my soul "J-ju-Jungkook "I exhale my mind shouting down and my legs and my whole body freezes without my hands starting to tremble.

" Oh Jennie here!" Sana shouted, while waving her hand out for me


ok things are getting spicier. Now I guarantee the book will be better I HOPE SO, AND IF YOU HAVE IDEAS, SHARE THEM WITH ME. the idea might be so good that I have it in the book.. Good afternoon Sunshinees.😙🥰🥳🥳
- ( what do those animals stand for. I'm going to pass out if you can't)- 🐥🐰🐯

She is mine (alpha and Omega)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant