Another Hint

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When they made it to the outside of the Hokages head quarters, Sasuke started to walk away, before he stopped his back was turned to Naruto. While Naruto's was also facing the opposite way.

"Naruto...if you like someone you should tell them. Don't make it agonizing for yourself. Besides, being married doesn't stop one's feelings. It's simple really." He stated loud enough for him to hear. Naruto gasped and turned around to say something to him but by the time he was finished talking and he turned around Sasuke was gone.

Leaving him alone to think. Maybe Sasuke was right. Maybe it's okay to feel a liking to this guy. But it more then likely didn't matter at this point. He was ignoring him anyway. Just when he thought it was over his phone vibrated.

Stalker: Did you have fun on your outing?

His heart dropped. There's that feeling again. Heart skipping beats and his stomach clenched. He walked back inside before responding. He took his cloak off and threw it around the chair, before making a tumble onto the futon laying down with his head propped on a pillow. He really should be working but just wanted to text this stranger. He waited a little while longer and before he could hit send on his own message he got another text.

Stalker: Are you really going to ignore me?
Stalker: I also had a job to tend to. My apologies for not responding earlier.

Naruto: No I can't ignore you until I know who you are.

Stalker: Let's say you do find out, will you really ignore me then?

Naruto: I guess that all depends.

Stalker: It would be impossible, you can't ignore a friend.

His heart stopped. 'A friend?' He thought to himself. Was this a hint? Is this person really a friend? Was it really someone close enough he could call a friend? Questions looking for answers rushed through his mind like a waterfall of anxiety. He hesitated in responding.

Naruto: So we're friends?

Stalker: Outside of this phone? Yes.

Naruto: You really are interesting.

Stalker: I wonder about that.
Stalker: When you say interesting, is that your way of saying you like me?

He shivered slightly in reaction to this message. Was he to answer this question literally or just avoid it. He knew that his feelings weren't invisible. There definitely was some kind of liking to this madness.

Naruto: You could say that.
Naruto: But maybe I'd like you more if i knew who you were!

Stalker: I doubt that. I'm not a likable person. Or maybe I'm not a tolerable person.

Naruto: Is that a hint?

Stalker: It can be.

He paused in that moment. He put his phone down on his chest. Deciding to not respond for the night. He let himself fall into a slumber. One he wouldn't wake up from till morning. But his dreams however seemed to get the best of him till then.

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