Chapter Ten:

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"GoGoGoGo!" I yell as the whole pack runs behind me. The vice principal, principal and Coach are all chasing us. Derek's truck is about 100 feet away as we sprint towards it. My genius plan was that Scott pants Coach at our spirit assembly, then Isaac and I poured blue paint over him...while Melia and Lydia pour glitter on him. Now we are being chased by a wanna be unicorn and two principals. "Drive!" I yell at Derek as I hop into the passenger seat and the pack hops into the bed. Derek stomps on the gas and I laugh as I look back at the school.

"I'll take it you had a good day of school?" Derek asks and I nod.

"Coming in!" Scott yells as he slips into the truck through the, open, backseat window.

"One of these days your not gonna make it through that window." I say and Derek looks over at me uncomfortbly. "He knows." I tell him and Derek semi relaxes, because Derek is never relaxed.

"Yep, I how drunk was he? That's when Stiles gets really ballsy." Scott says and I laugh.

"It's funny 'cause it's true!" I laugh. Derek smiles while looking over at me. We soon pull in front of the pack house and everyone gets out. "You all should be packed! We leave tomorrow morning!" I yell and Derek wraps his hands around my waist.

"Let's take a walk." He whispers in my ear and I smile.

"Okay." I say and he intertwines our fingers before leading me down a path.


Derek sits next to me as we watch the flames of the fire dance in front of us. Derek took me to a huge field, the same one I was on a few days ago. He started a fire in a dirt pit and now we are just sitting here, peacefully. "Do you know what this place is?" Derek asks and I shake my head. "This is were my ancestors fought, Mortem Battle Field, and I was always taught to honor this field. So in a way I would give honor to the fallen. Mortem in Latin means Death." He explains and I hug him tighter.

"Do you miss your mom?" I blurt.

"Yeah, do you?" He asks and I nod.

"What did you do after the fire?" I ask, fuck you curiosity.

"Lura and I were on the run after the fire. She's the one who taught me how to be an alpha, because when she died that's what I would become...the next Hale alpha. We were homeless for so long, that's until she got a job and sent me back to school. We both got our college degree in English and then she left one morning. That's when I heard that Lura Hale was dead and her body was in Beacon Hills." He tells me and a tear slips down my cheek. After a couple minutes I look up at Derek, to see the palms of his hands pressed against his eyes.

"A leader should never cry in front of his troops, for it will show weakness." I recite a quote as I grab his wrists. "But I don't care if you cry or not, your still the best alpha I know. Don't be afraid to cry in front of me Derek, I won't think any less of you." I tell him and he nods. He smiles and kisses my cheek before we fall into a comfortable silence, every so often the fire would crack. It was almost too peaceful in a time like this.

"I love you Stiles." Derek whispers and I smile.

"I love you too." I whisper back, my eyes closed. The last thing I remember is being picked up.

War, Love & Death [Sterek][BoyxBoy][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now