Chapter Three:

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"Just try it on." I tell the girls as they pick up more jeans. We're in JC Penny's and it's been twenty minutes since we got here.

"Just admit that you like Derek." Kira counters and I blush a little while looking down.

"I don't like him, so drop it." I say and they all laugh.

"A year ago you told all three of us that you were gay, just own up to your new crush." Melia says and I smile. The only pack members who knew were Kira, Melia and Lydia. Since then Lydia and I have become really good friends.

"Change the subject!" I plead and Lydia smiles widely.

"Okay, let's talk about what we are doing for your eighteenth birthday." Lydia says and I sigh.

"We should go to a club, and get him laid." Kira says and I stare at her.

"What? No! Let's just drop everything." I say and they shake their heads. I sigh and rub my neck.

"It's not smart to be out without protection little alpha." A mans voice says as I feel something press onto my stomach. I look down to see a nine millimeter pistol pointed to my torso.

"Who are you?" Lydia asks as the man puts his arm around my shoulders. I see a scar on his palm and I take a deep breath.

"You have no right to be here, this is Hale territory." I hiss and pressure is added to the gun.

"Sh, the humans aren't talking right now." The man says. I look at Lydia and nod.

"Lydia, back up." I tell her, as she was the closet one to me. She slowly takes a step back and the man laughs.

"What are you gonna do? Bite me? With what fangs." The man asks and I grab both of his hands, then I twist his arm and it loudly snaps. I trip him and give him a right hook before he can do anything I kick his gun and take Lydia's hand.

"Come on!" I hiss to the three girls. They start running ahead of me as I hear multiple people following us. "Take the keys and get them out of here." I tell Melia as I give her the keys. We make it out of the store before I stop running and let the men catch up to me.

"Bad move young alpha." One man says.

"Your all Hanes?" I ask and he walks up to me and swings, but I quickly dodge his fist. I grab his leg and trip him, making his head bash against the tile floor. "Such a pathetic excuse." I say and another man grabs my arm and starts to drag me into an alley. I pull on his grip but it's like steel.

"You should learn not to talk like that to a threat." The man says. He drops me and then gives me a hard kick to the ribs, I gasp for air as he repetitively kicks my ribs. I spit blood onto his shoe and he chuckles while grabbing the collar of my shirt and hoodie. "Your supposed to be the smart one of your pack, so why provoke me?" He ask as I smile.

"Your just someone's bitch." I spit at him and he sighs. I then receive right hook after right hook, before everything goes black I hear an ear splitting roar.

Authors Note: ITS SO INTENSE!!
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Lots Of Love & Crap

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