My Queen

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The next morning, Adrien has school while Argos goes and spies on Kagami again. He can't mess this up again like he did at the Diamond Dance. An akuma strikes again but Ladybug and Cat Noir took care of it like always. The school was dismissed due to an akuma again.

Argos found Kagami at the park while her mother is in the red car talking to someone in her alliance ring. This was his chance to abduct her.

"Hang on, Kagami. I'm saving you from her" He thought.

Kagami groaned in frustration at her mother being so strict with her, "Why can't she be reasonable?" She sighs.

Argos hides behind the tree and whistles to lure her, "Over here" He called.

Kagami followed the voice but then felt a hand cover her mouth. Getting carried in someone's arms and felt the wind blowing in her face. They came to an ally and Kagami elbow-punched the intruder's gut.

"AGH!" Argos held his stomach.

"What's your deal now?" Kagami asked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on!" Argos grabbed her wrist.

"Felix?" Kagami recognized him.

"Hi," Argos said shyly but then dodged her attack, "Come on!" He moved left and right, "I was saving you!"

"And here you come back to make everyone disappear again?!" Kagami punched the wall, "Now I'm gonna whoop your ass!" She tried to kick him in the groin but he caught her leg.

"I learned my biggest mistake and wish to never repeat it!" He pinned her to the wall.

"Get your feather hands off me!" Kagami tried to pry but the bird is too strong.

"Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you" Argos hushed her.

"Speak up, Felix" Kagami let him talk.

"After that incident and bringing everyone back, I've realized that I became what I hated. I wish to never repeat that mistake and want to make up for it. I understand you won't forgive me for my actions. I was consumed by madness" Felix explained.

"And how can I tell you're being responsible? Adrien once told me you used to impersonate him" Kagami glared.

"Not anymore." Argos pointed at his scar.

"Cat Noir kicked your ass because he wasn't there at the incident. You deserved that" Kagami said.

"This was his punishment for me. He broke my spirit" Argos said.

"Hmph. Never get the cat angry, bird. You know they eat birds like you" Kagami taunted.

"I get it. I've earned my punishment already. Right now, I'm here to save you from your mother. I've seen how badly she treated you, even physically" Argos continued.

"Were you spying on me?!" Kagami yelled.

"Shhhhh! Not so loud. Yes, I noticed the symbol on your ring and it's something your mother is up to with that symbol" Argos said and made sure she's calm before when released her, "Are you calm?"

"Yeah. What do you mean by my ring?" She held it up.

"The Japanese symbol on your ring. I've seen it before. You're the descendant of the samurai" Argos said.

"Yes. I am" Kagami said.

"That's why I knew something was up with your mom. I don't know why but somehow, she and my uncle are forcing you and Adrien to be together" Argos explained.

"Even though he and Marinette are made for each other" Kagami said.

"Yes. I'm just as curious on why my uncle is so desperate to arrange that" Argos said.

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