not a chapter!

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Hello guys! As you can see its not a chapter, because its going to be info about The characters  <3 (not al the characters )


Hes a pretty small guy .. probably the smallest of the group, he has tinted skin , raven hair and brown eyes hes smart but also kinda dumb.

he has light brown hair and blue eyes , has light skin , not the tallest but he taller then most of the people there.
likes to where cozy clothes like sweaters and  baggy clothes. 

hes avarage hight  but xander keeps teasing him aout how short he is , he had dark blond hair and brown eyes , he likes playing mario carts ( he never wins )

he's the tallest guy there! even towering over Eva! he has light brown hair, dark brown eyes and hes one of the smartest people there! hes also good at acting and staying calm! :)

Avarage height,Dark brown hair, Light tinted, brown eyes,friendly and is best friends with Eva! she's never allowed in the kitchen because last time she olmost set the house on fire.. uhm.. yeah!

Eva .
shes the second tallest person here! always being mad at colin that hes taller then her.. she has dark blonde hair, light skin? ,  gray eyes and says mostly everything she thinks of no one stops her from doing so! she also loves playing mario carts! ( she always wins ) 

tess .
she had brown curly hair she's avarage height! dark tinted ,has chocolate brown eyes and she best clothing style out of anyone! she 's also the most baddass person there! she plays a lot of mario carts with Eva and they always cook togeter!

second smallest person there! he has brown hair and brown eyes, light tinted and the smartest person there. he also has a very short fuse.. he gets mad at everything and everyone if they annoy him. colin is his best friend!.

she has blonde hair and blue eyes , probably one of the most dummest people there ,she's bestfriends with jaslyn and she likes daily ( daily is dating melissa )

he's avarage high ,tan skin ,dark blonde hair , has hazel eyes and he loves football and playing rando games with the boys. he's always with thijs or close to him .. we dont know why tho.. 

hes as tall as levi , has light skin, light blonde hair he always plays games like cards after dinner with the guys, he also know how to get his way with some things.. always close to levi for some reason..

best friends with cage! they always stick together, she's blonde and has blue eyes! she is friend with most of the girls, eva tess and hannah hate her for some reason, i do get why tho . she's not to tall just below average.

shes blonde , has blue eyes and is best friends with charlie! she loves just chilling and gossiping with her friends, she's funny and pretty strong! 

shes blonde , has baby blue eyes. she's strong and not someone you want to end up in a fight with, she's best friends with fay and they always hang out in there bedroom! if not there probably gossiping with the other girls..


shes short and has really blond or light ginger hair, couldnt deside. she's friendly but scary,
she has a boyfriend his name is daily. bpth of them get along pretty wel. she likes being chaothic and will easily start a fight.

he has white hair, blue eyes and he's kinda tall. he's bestfriends with no one really, but he's pretty good friend with xander, mitchell and dyon? he's very homophobic and he doesnt like anything close to that...


Okay thats all for now! ill add more later so if you want to see mre info about character come and check this page! i might also put sum warning here but for now it's just gonna be info! 

Byee have a great day!

-Eva & Hannah.   <3

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