chapter 3

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Hello and welcome to the next chapter! :)
dont worry wont be having a hole speech rn but im just here to say..
good luck with reading and have a great day!

¨oh my..¨ fay siad..

jaslyn was put on the table with a nice in her troat..
there was a note next to it..
roman grabbed the note.

¨free food?¨ the note said. ( no, the note didnt say that its just written on it >:( )

Eva was trying not to laugh.

¨why are you laughing?!¨ hannah wispered to her..

¨I dont know! i just find it funny okay! let me be!¨ eva wispered back.

¨ugh! you find everything funny thats murder related! ¨

¨come on! not everything- oh okay i do but do you have an problem with that?!¨ eva wispered annoyed.

¨Yea i got an problem with that!¨

Eva stopped talking and focused on what the rest was doing..
the rest was trying to lift the body of the table.
she went to help them..

hannah whent to tess..
she was.. talking to herself?

¨hey are you okay?¨ hannah said

¨no ofcourse not! all my hard work is ruined! it took me and eva so look to make all of that!¨
tess said annoyed.

¨wha? gurl someone just got murdered and you care about the food?!¨
hannah said confused.

¨duh! wouldt you be mad when everyones enjoying the food and then it went to a waist because something happened to it?¨

¨hm.. ¨

--------------time skip--------------
it was a quarter past ten.

no one was really talking about the murder.. it ws the second time this has happened.
everyone was doing there thing.

dave, colin, roman and yaro where just talking and playing chess,

hannah, eva, tess and dyon where playing mario cart while xander was just chilling in the living room. ( Dyon wanted to win a round of mario cart for once but he sadly didnt. )

Leah, shopia , ecrin , mislina , charlie and fay where chilling in eachothers room and doing some.. uhm girly stuff? .

dyshian , mexi , cage and romaisa where having a hole dance of next to the kitchen and living room,

levi , thijs, mitchell and thomas where playing monopoly,

evan and daniel where chilling in there room,

and the rest where just sleeping or outside..

colin and dave where playing chess togeter this time..
yaro was just watching and folding some origami ,
and roman was just teling then how they could win.

¨Roman just shup up already! WE. DONT. NEED. YOUR. TIPS!¨
dave said angerly. (?)

¨dave calm down, its true that he needs to stop but you dont gotta scream at him for it? ¨ colin said.

¨yeah true! no need to scream at me, mr. tall here has some common sence! ¨ roman said.

¨you know wat nevermind scream at his if you want i dont care anymore.¨ colin said annoyed.

¨why would you let him scream at me?¨

¨if YOU had some common sence you would have known it by now.¨

yaro finaly finished his paper dragon collection.

¨Finaly! finished this! now-¨

¨now i can teach you chess! yes finaly i was waiting for this ! took you long enough yaro! now.. lets start!¨ roman said exitingly.

¨ yeah uhm no..¨ yaro said


meanwhile in the living room.

¨HAH! take that you sucker! you'll never win! ¨
eva said with a grim on her face.

¨come on! i know your cheating! no wy that was a shortcut! dyon said.

¨lol imagine being third! come on ! no ones that bad ! where even playing against bots! ¨
tess said..

ḧannah was just sitting there waiting for the next round to begin so she could join the game.

¨imma go get some pizza then was left over! dont start without me! ¨
eva said runnng to the kitchen.

¨should we start? ¨ dyon said.

¨duh! ¨ tess and hannah shouted.

evan and daniel where sitting on Daniels bed..

¨who do you think the murder is?¨ evan said .

"i.. i dont know, but i if i really have t choose.. mabye mitchell?¨ daniel said back.

¨hmm.. interesting. wouldnt it be funny if one of us was the murder?¨

¨uhm.heh yeah? why did you say it like..
That?. ¨

¨eh anyway..¨ evan said.


everyone was downstairs , roman climed onto the kitchen counter.
then hannah climed onto the kitchen counter .

¨ Can i get everyones attention?! ¨ roman shouted.

¨okay , thank you! well if you didnt know.. there are 2 peoples birthdays coming up soon! so.. we will have a massive party! tonight at 8 p.m! if your wondering who's birthdays it are.. -¨ roman said .

¨its colin's and tess's birthday! ¨ hannah screamed in exitement.

¨a party?! ¨

¨I have alcohol! ¨

¨we can play russian roulette..?


¨Omg cant wait to pick out my dress! ¨

everyone was so exited! 

people where getting ready ! 
some where preparing games and things to do..
Eva was making the birthday cakes.
everyone was busy.

-8 P.M-

the time has come..
the clock strikes 8 p.m .

¨hey guys! i heard some people had taken alchohol with then, want to go get some?¨ eva said

¨come on the party has just started! no alchohol until the we sing for them! ¨  hannah said annoyed.

¨UGH! party pooper..¨

sophia and fay where standing in the dining room where most of the people where .

¨who are we waiting for again? ¨ sophia said while looking at the time.

¨for charlie and melissa ofcourse! ¨ fay said.

¨ ugh they are taking forever..! ¨

¨ oh my god , just be paitient! ¨

¨BOO! ¨ charlie shouted .

¨AH! ¨ sophia screamed.


awh sorry its so short! im just a bit lazy plus i didnt have a lot of time.. i did go skating with my father today :) . well i gotta go see you talet and i hope you enjoyed !!

-eva & cow

- words : 934

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